While some people feel cabin fever due to sheltering in place because of COVID-19, there are plenty of exciting things to do online and make the time pass more quickly. It’s possible to visit famous landmarks from around the world and virtually tour museums and other sights thanks to technology’s power. Here are just a few options to occupy your time.
The Northern Lights
A webcam based in Churchill, Manitoba, allows viewers to take a peek at the northern lights. It’s also worth tuning in at dusk to see the sunset — the page lists sunrise and sunset. For visitors whose schedules may not line up with nature, a gallery consisting of snaps taken by others can add your own, too!
Visitors can almost hear the waves hitting the rocks and smell the salty surf when they watch this live stream from Kauai, Hawaii. The footage is relaxing and occasionally broken up by families swimming, surfers with their boards, or hikers walking their dogs. There’s also archival footage.
Dam Square
Amsterdam’s public square isn’t quite the bustling place these days, but the live feed is still a sight to behold. Featuring classic architecture, glittering lights, and statutes, Dam Square is easy to fall in love with.
Central Kenya
Animal lovers will be thrilled to check this live stream of a watering hole in Africa’s 48,000-acre Mpala Research Centre and its various visitors. Birds, hippos, leopards, and zebras have all been known to stop by for a drink, and the camera records it all! Past visitors have excitedly taken hundreds of snaps that you can peruse if the animals are a little shy.
Aquariums of the Pacific
Thanks to a camera aimed at the sea jellies exhibit, visitors can watch these amazing creatures without leaving their homes’ comfort. The movement, light, and color are amazing to behold.
Grace Gorilla Habitat
Few things are cooler than seeing gorillas interact with one another, and the cameras that broadcast from GRACE sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo are proof of that. Set on the former location of a while gorilla habitat, the sanctuary helps orphaned Grauer’s gorillas learn necessary skills.