A talented animal communicator can be indispensable to achieving new levels in our relationships with our companion animals. Many of us have great relationships with our animals because we have taken the time to understand who they are as a member of a specific species. It is possible to understand a great deal about what your companions are communicating by their body posture, facial expressions and vocalizations. When my cat walks towards me with his tail up and soft squinty eyes he is being affectionate and seeking affection in return, I don’t need an animal communicator to tell me this. When the same cat began pooping in the tub instead of the litterbox, however, I needed help to resolve the problem. A short session with an animal communicator shed light on the issue, and allowed me to discuss a solution with my cat that was mutually agreeable.
Just like us, our furry companions do not like it when life is unpredictable. The family going away on vacation, a young adult child going off to college, a trip to the veterinarian, these scenarios create anxiety in our pets. How are they to know when you will be back, or if you will be back at all? Why did one member of the family suddenly disappear? Connecting with your pet through an animal communicator allows them to clearly get the message about whatever change or event is about to happen. More importantly it gives them the opportunity to let you know how they feel about it. Often, they will ask for a way to make an otherwise upsetting event less stressful. When I needed to move from Florida to Connecticut my cats all wished to stay in their crates in the car overnight, as opposed to going into the hotel room. They felt more comfortable staying in the familiar crates in the car filled with our scents, rather than in a strange place filled with the scents of strangers.
Of course, communicating with your pet can be entertaining and fun as their individual personalities express themselves. Our dog Maia was a very strong pit mix who was born deaf. We adopted her when she was about fifteen months old. Initially she leaned into her harness and pulled my husband along. Needless to say he didn’t appreciate this, and worked diligently to correct the problem. I decided to help out with a call to an animal communicator we had been working with. Maia was so funny, she had all kinds of suggestions as to how the leash walking problem could be solved. Her first suggestion was that Phil, my husband, could walk faster. She also suggested that he eliminate the leash altogether. Unfortunately, none of her suggestions were feasible so we took another tack and explained that when she pulled, she actually hurt Phil. She was horrified at this and assured us that she would never want to hurt Phil, she loved him. She was much better after our conversation.
The situations that might be helped by a conversation with an animal communicator include behavior problems, changes to their environment, health issues and the very important end of life decisions. In addition, I have had conversations to just check in. To see if there is anything that they might wish to talk about, the same as I would in my relationships with the important people in my life. Engaging in a conversation with your animals can be interesting and fun. More importantly it can deepen your already loving close relationship, creating better understanding on both sides of the leash. After all what animal is more confusing or difficult to understand than us humans.