Changing the entire healthcare workflow, the corona virus pandemic crisis has affected every aspect of people’s life. In fact, fast-tracking the development of a unique Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code to avoid complex medical billing processes is also initiated by the American Medical Association (AMA). Additionally, electives surgeries and unimportant procedures are also been canceled to conserve supplies, healthcare providers ensured complete attention given to COVID – 19 patients.
However, the pandemic corona virus crisis has not only made changes in the Medicare and Medicaid services but has also changed many private insurers’ policies and payments. As humana being one of the private insurance today is seen covering short term oxygen use, suspending medical records requests for pre- and post-paid claim review processes etc. Even insurance company like United health is also seen relaxing their proof-of-delivery requirements and even said to extended certain prior-authorizations and allows for face-to-face exams by telehealth for new prior authorizations.
Not to forget Anthem, which is seen temporarily adjusting its approach to monitoring claims and audits, suspending select prior authorization requirements which are not essential etc. furthermore there are many other insurance companies too those also seen bending its years of rules and regulations to cope up with the pandemic virus.
In fact, the telemedicine platform too, today due to the corona virus crisis got cleared of many rules and regulations to ensure seamless access for the patient and physicians.
In fact in a discussion about the aftermath of the corona virus as there have been increasing cases of depression, anxiety, Dipak Nandi M.D, a renowned psychiatrist who has been working on the corona virus patient & rendering mental health treatment recommended of getting the help of the telemedicine platform; be it for any kind of physical or even any kind of mental issues.
Being the need of the hour, telemedicine platform today not only helping healthcare workers by letting them offer their services to the needed patient but also helping in curbing the spread of the contagious corona virus from spreading.