If you have just commenced your business or just struggling to increase your social media reach with your already established offline business,
whatever your reason are, but once in a while you must have asked yourself this question which is “Do social media audience really matter while growing a business on social media?” And do audience on social media practically helps your business grow?
According to experts and social media marketers, fan growth has no value if they are not buying your product. For example – if you have thousands of real Twitter followers and your post gets many likes but your product gets zero engagement and no effective sales result then your social media audience have zero value.
See, if one of your main objectives is to reach new audience and customers then getting more likes on a post and getting more audience is a good thing for your business, but you have to look at it a bit more closely to see if it comes with a monetary value as well or not! Thousands of people will not fetch you huge profit, but sales of your product surely will give you money.
Here are some points to understand how important is engagement of your audience to your business.
Engagement vs reach!
Just like many other companies if your goal on social media is to increase your brand awareness then make sure you don’t underestimate the true engagement of people, always remember that merely reach or awareness is nothing if it is not engaging new customers.
Most companies do this mistake of not giving much importance to enagement of people and they isbe happy when their social media profile reach increase and they get more likes on their posts.
Also, it is important to see how many unique accounts have shared your post, most of the times people on Instagram reshare or repost your stuff which increases the probability of your post and content reaching new audience.
See, when it comes to social media presence, you have to figure out your audience. It is important to upload relatable stuff, you need to know that what kind of material your audience would want to share with their friends and family?
These types of repost and sharing of your material by unique accounts helps you build a customer confidence in your product or business. It is a fact that when someone you know personally, shares something about a brand or product, then you are most likely to at least have a look on that product and that thing helps a brand to increase their reach on social media by almost fifty percent more.
Better engagement makes stonger and long-lasting relationships.
Once you are looking at creating a has and long-lasting relationship with your audience, then your primary objective should always be of making huge engagement. Every social media site works like that too! From Instagram to Twitter or Facebook,
all of these sites will show you the most relevant stories according to your likes and dislikes on the site and also from what your friend and people in your circle have liked or shared.
Most importantly, higher engagement rate impacts your social media ROI
While you promote your business on social media, you have to keep an eye on the social media ROI. Well, social media ROI is the return on investment you expect while investing your time, efforts and money in social media marketing.
Just like any other return on investment, social media return on investment should also be a point of huge focus for you. A big advantage for you is that social media engagement will directly have a huge impact on your social media ROI as it impacts your social media budget for Godaddy renewal coupon.
It is simple, the more people that engage with your content, the cheaper it is to boost it for you, but measuring engagement cannot tell you information about your audience preservation.
While looking for increasing your audience on social media, keep in mind that just more audience will not give you higher sales rate, but more customers will! It is very important to engage audience which could relate to your product and brand. Audience which is highly active and participating.
Because such audience will help you in every aspect to make you reach more and more people all around the globe is their own circle. That’s why I keep saying that concentrate more in engagement rather than just merely reach of your brand on social media. Last but not the least, keep track of your social media return on investment and make use of it effectively and efficiently.