Bring more happiness to your work day.
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Steve Jobs
It is a well known fact that when we focus on and work in our strength zone, we are happier, more productive and stimulated. A mentor of mine says, you should find something you love to do so much that you would do it for free and then do it so well that people will want to pay you for it. So how do we translate this to our every day job?
Whether working for an organization or for yourself, understanding your values, being true to them and recognizing what fuels your passion are the first steps towards aligning yourself with your work. One of the keynote presentations I do is on “Aligning Your Why.” It focuses on individuals aligning their passions and values with those of the organization they work with and directs organizations to create a culture conducive to aligning with the passions and values of their employees. When everything is aligned, this is where the magic happens!
In the presentation, I take the audience through a bit of a journey to get them thinking about their why, their passions and their purpose. Knowing our why gives us freedom, builds our confidence, and makes an impact on others. Believing in it gives us longevity and purpose. Aligning it moves us towards self-actualization.
Not only do you stand to make more money by doing what you love, researchers are now finding a strong connection between longevity and work. In an eight-decade study, led by Dr. Howard S. Freidman coined the Longevity Project, researchers found that, among other things, men and women who were continually productive were healthier and lived longer than their less-driven peers. Work is an essential ingredient for a happy life, and now research suggests that working hard in a field you love will give your life meaning and purpose. Productive work, whether paid or volunteer, keeps you active and challenges you to continue learning and to be your best self.
Boosting happiness at work – Quick Tip:
Ask yourself the following questions:
- What are my top 5 strengths – what am I really good at?
- What do I feel very deeply about – what do I love?
- What brings me my greatest joy – when am I the happiest
Now ask yourself:
- How does this align with my organization’s vision and value statements?
- How does my work impact and add value to the mission of the organization?
- How do I incorporate more of what I love to do on a daily basis?
Understanding how you and your organization are aligned, where you are adding value to and impacting outcomes are all key factors in helping you live a happier life both at work and at play.
If this resonates with you, be sure to pick up a copy of my book – Your Extraordinary Self for more tips on how to define your version of success and live an extraordinary life!