It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? Do you inspire kindness?
I was at the supermarket yesterday and feeling a bit impatient with the ridiculously slow woman before me in the checkout line. The woman who caused the delay turned around and apologized. I smiled, internally yelling at myself for the annoyed feelings. Kindness begets kindness.
I was always taught to try to be kind – to the people I know and those I don’t know.
We all have bad days and we can escalate our own or someone else’s bad day or we can shift it. I appreciate that the woman in front of me, clearly seeing my impatience, chose to shift my negative energy with kindness.
Just the act of being kind to someone can inspire them to pay the kindness forward. Kindness is contagious. When someone is kind to us, it’s a gentle reminder of the way we want to be in the world.
I would love to make more of an effort to inspire more kindness in people.
That’s why I was so intrigued by Stacey Marie’s Inspire Me movement. Stacey’s Inspire Me Studio has set out to share uplifting stories, experiences and dreams to spread kindness.
I am a big believer that kindness always prevails, and I take opportunities to pay it forward when I can. That’s why I chose to support the Inspire Me Movement. If you would like to support the movement or learn more about it, visit