Two more weeks and we’ll be waking up to see what Santa has delivered to us this year.  For each of you I’m hoping it’s the satisfaction of having achieved that one thing that you have been working towards.  That small step (or maybe large) to creating a life that you actively participate and thrive in.

Sit up at night and stare towards the stars and you realise just how insignificant each of us are in the context of time and life.  We have so few beautiful years alive on this wondrous planet with amazing people and experiences, we need to ensure that fun plays a part.   Fun can be a walk in nature collecting wild flowers, for others it’s going to be hurtling yourself downhill at warp speed on a bike. To have fun you need to know what it means for you.  For me fun is wandering and taking photographs, its writing, it’s time spent with my family, its baking delicious treats, making homemade soap and knitting. Its learning something new and random. It’s time spent around people who inspire you. It’s giving my time to help others (even better when it’s a random act of kindness).

I’m bringing your focus back to fun this week as achieving goals can sometimes feel like anything but fun, especially when excuses try and detour you or you don’t feel you are making the progress you should have by now.  It’s exactly at this point you need to ensure fun is part of your plan. Rather than continuing to try and plough through, take some time and just have fun – Julia Cameron in her book The Artists Way (really recommend this for anyone and everyone) suggests that each week you should take yourself on an artists date.  This concept can feel a bit weird but it works. Book in some time for you to do fun. The space and the joy this will spark will almost always bring a new solution to existing problems and also give you a burst of extra energy. And even if it doesn’t what’s the worst that has happened – you’ve had some fun!

Also take some time this week to remind yourself of the life you are trying to create for yourself.  A life that is unique to you. A life where you have defined what success is (and not some glossy mag, instagram account or well intended friend).  Take a look back over your vision. (If you don’t already have your vision create one – not sure how? – get in touch and I will send you a fun and inspiring exercise that will bring your vision to life). This week do it again.  Maybe it’s something tangible to get. Maybe it’s a behaviour, or a smell, or an experience. Whatever it is, give yourself the gift of doing it this week.

And this week there is a two for one.  This week I also challenge you to complete a random act of kindness.  Shout the next person’s coffee, mow a neighbours lawn, provide baking to a volunteer organisation, leave $20 in an envelope in a random place with the words “I’ve left this for you kind stranger to brighten your day” .  Compliment a stranger on a beautiful smile/shoes/hairstyle/dance move! Just something small, without recognition.

Life is beautiful.  You are capable of doing better everyday. Keep creating a life that you actively participate and thrive in.  And if you need reminding of this, or want some support get in touch at [email protected]

Nadine xx