I’m curious, do you do this too?  It’s amazing the power you can summon to create your future just by naming it. And this year, my word of the year is ‘Determined.’ 
Feel free to join me and use this as your word for the year too!
Now that we’re well clear of the holiday season and all those holiday packages arriving in the mailbox, many of us will be longing to be determined to get our finances in order. If you have financial goals this year to maybe buy a home, pay down debt, or buy a new car, you’re going to have to be determined to get things done. And I’m here to help! 
Here are three tips to help you with improving your credit and finances this year;
Tighten up the budget – During the holiday season, we all tend to get a little sloppy with our household budgets. It seems there are always last-minute gifts to buy and unexpected bills.  It is time to get a hold of your spending.  Buckle down on your budget so you stay determined for your big money goals. 30% of your FICO score is based on your balances.  By lowering your credit card balances, you get a higher score. 
Check your credit – One of the most important tasks to focus on this month is checking your credit. Take the time to pull your credit reports. Once you have your credit report, examine it closely for errors or signs of fraud and identity theft, and address any concerns immediately.  Be determined to have perfect credit.
Make a plan – Once you’ve got your budget in place and you know where your stand with your credit, you can create a plan for your credit and finances for the year. Do you have enough money with your 9 to 5 job to lower your debt? If not, what is your plan to make more? Is it by finding a side hustle or selling things in your closet? Whatever you plan – just start. Do not wait as you are now determined to change your financial future.
I am determined to help you! I love helping folks just like you build healthy credit and reach their financial goals. So, if you have any questions or concerns about your credit score, reach out! My wish for you this year is that you create all the joy, opportunity, and fulfillment that your heart desires. Be determined to just do it ~Cheers, Jeanne


  • Jeanne Kelly

    Credit Expert, Author, Speaker

    Jeanne Kelly is an author, speaker, and coach who helps people achieve a higher credit score, help with identity theft and understand credit reporting. #HealthyCredit is her motto As the founder of The Kelly Group in 2000 and the author of The 90-Day Credit Challenge & The Credit Makeover, Jeanne Kelly is a nationally recognized authority on credit consulting and credit scores. Most importantly, she is a trusted resource and advocate for higher credit scores and the go-to expert for individuals looking to improve their credit.