Every year, people around the world celebrate World Environment Day, with the goal of saving the planet and the environment. But sometimes we have to ask ourselves “are we really going to execute our plans?” The existence of nature is proof of our own existence and everyone appreciates the existence of water, forest, animals, songbirds, flora, and fauna. can be misused and ends up being hurt. The environment is polluted by various elements such as radioactive elements, plastics, wastewater, household waste, and industrial pollution.
Nobody is a perfect environmentalist, however, together we can take honest measures to reduce the number of resources used and the waste generated.
1. You can reduce the waste of water by: –
Take a look below for some ideas and tips on how to proceed. Protect the planet and go green to save our environment!
Reduce your bath time
Install a low-flow showerhead
Shut off sink water while shaving or brushing teeth
Plunge a full bottle of water into the toilet tank to change or move the water and make it a low-flow model to save water with each flush
Repair leaking pipes
Recycle water in your home
If possible, try not to use water as a cleaning solution. Baking soda and vinegar can work as well as other cleaning products.
Install venting nozzles on all faucets
2. Unplug the chargers, turn off lights and unused devices such as computers, laptops, and phones when you leave for the day.
3. Replace ordinary bulbs in your home with compact fluorescent light bulbs
4. Join the carpool or public transport to save fuel and its cost.
5. Avoid using a disposable cup or coffee cup at work to save space in the dump and energy. You can bring your own ceramic mug or coffee mug to work.
6. When shopping, try to use brands that use recyclable packaging.
7. Bring your meal in a reusable container and do not buy additional plastic containers. Do not generate waste with a plastic fork and a plastic takeaway container. Use a reusable container if you bring lunch from home.
8. Start a recycling program at home, at your office or in your community.
9. Start paying your bills online and ask companies to prevent paper bills from being sent to you. Print and copy on both sides of the paper. This helps save paper and trees.
10. Use reusable grocery bags rather than plastic bags
11. Recycle or decompose your computer equipment such as computers, laptops, printers, and phones to reduce air pollution and resulting in water pollution. It can take a million years to break down. Contacting a company offers recycling or disposal of computer equipment in your area.
12. Use a disposable cloth or a greener cloth instead of the child’s diaper, as it adds millions of tons of waste to landfills every year.
13. Recycle newspapers, bows and gift bags by reusing them. You can also create something unique using old newspapers, maps, and fabrics.
14. Instead of buying a plastic water bottle, purchase a suitable reusable container. A plastic bottle takes thousands of years to decompose and is neither recycled nor biodegradable.
15. Plant a tree to reduce air pollution because the shaded landscape values your property and reduces energy consumption.
Put the cruise control button on your car to work to get better mileage. With rising gas prices, it’s a boon to your budget and the environment.
16. You can save about 10% of your energy consumption by setting your thermostat 1% less in winter and 1% more in summer.
17. Try to recycle your phone because it introduces very harmful and toxic substances into the environment and ends up in landfills.
18. Maintain your vehicle by regularly checking the air filter and cleaning it. This will help your car more efficiently. It is also important to inflate your tires at a specific pressure as this reduces tire wear and helps
19. Make your home environment clean and fresh with professional house cleaners, carpet cleaners & window cleaners, because house washing and clean house is a symbol of a healthy environment.
19. Reduce fuel consumption.
20. Setting the temperature of the 0-5 freezer or 36-38 refrigerator
-Minimize the opening of the door when using the oven
-Avoid using chemicals to clean your house, use a microfiber cloth.
21. Buy wooden toys instead of disposable plastic toys
22. Take the stairs instead of using elevators.