“How do we embody the soul spark, bring it to consciousness, and live it more fully in our daily lives?”
—Tina Stromsted
Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to make the leap sometimes – to change the way you eat, to pursue the crazy activities you long for, to quit the job in favour of more fulfilment, to begin the book or art project… In short, any (and all) of the things which visit you in daydreams but never get any closer?
It is in our basic human nature to resist change whilst also simultaneously craving it. We are wired first and foremost for survival, and so anything which appears to threaten our fundamental needs is deemed a threat at the innate, embodied level. Meanwhile our neocortex is off dreaming and scheming and attempting to rapidly evolve our consciousness and lived experience! This is why you can feel absolutely wonderful and exited about an opportunity but yet sick to the core at the same time! So what to do…?
Awareness and compassionate, playful curiosity are key to uncovering these blocks to our self-evolution. At the same time, this playfulness allows us to meet our inner wounds and the reflections of inner criticism in compassionate empathy rather than harsh judgement. You begin to see yourself as you really are, without the layers of dust and debris. And that honesty is so very freeing! With it comes the real light and a willingness to shine no matter what.
How do you want to feel?
Energy management isn’t just about feeling tired or pumped – it leaches into every single molecule of our lives! How do you wake up feeling? How do you respond to recurring irritations? How do you react when something startles you? How do you process a particularly challenging day or situation? How do you deal with a feeling that persists, no matter how much you try to ‘get over it’?
This is the crux of Life Energy Alchemy and the work I do. It’s not just about making fancy shapes on a mat, or breathing in a particular way! I am passionate about the evolution of our mental, emotional and embodied experience. I believe we are right on the cusp of a real breakthrough in how we consciously create this world we’re all living in – and in particular how we show up each day, both for ourselves and our families as well as for the greater community, and beyond.
How would you like to show up this week? Who would you like to show up for, and in what way? How can you be really intentional about that?
It all starts with learning to shift your internal and embodied energies to align with how you really want to feel. Today, tomorrow, and next week. Start here – right now!
If you’re going to speak with your soul, go all in…
“My soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak. I call you—are you there? I have returned. I am here again. I have shaken the dust of all the lands from my feet, and I have come to you again.”
–Jung, The Red Book, p. 232
Get messy. Find your flow. Seek out your body’s innate intelligence. Let go of control. Let go. Stop trying. Make mistakes. Blur the lines. Create new ones. Get playful. Breathe into it, deeply. Feel your body, breath and soul merge with the earth, the ether and universe. Draw up from your roots. Expand into your felt senses: all of them. Inhale into those feelings and sensations, expanding with compassion. Inhale and exhale. Bring it up and out. Birth it. Breathe it. Let it out. Let it go. Release. Be. Stop thinking with your eyes. Go within. Again and again and again. Meet your resistance with love and bring it along with you (but don’t let it drive). Keep birthing. Keep flowing. Keep breathing. Keep trusting. Keep going… until you know. For now, you’re done. For now, you’re replete. Smile. Acknowledge. Celebrate! Bask in the intense radiance of that deepest possible connection. You did it. You did it! How does that feel?