On the surface, situations and relationships that feel certain may seem highly desirable. But here’s the catch: If we grow to depend on that circumstance as a source of our identity or wellbeing, we are setting ourselves up for major upheaval.
One of the most profound gifts that times of uncertainty present to us is the opportunity to define ourselves, independent of circumstances. When the future around us is shaky or unknown, we are drawn inward to reconnect with the larger, wiser part of us that is always constant. And when this connection to our inner self is our primary focus, we are better able to navigate a path to happiness, even in the midst of turmoil.
At one point in my life, everything that I had known was simultaneously thrown into a complete state of flux. I was in the middle of a divorce. I no longer felt at home in the small town that my husband and I had lived for almost a decade, so I accepted a new job on the other side of the country. Everything was new, uncertain, and unknown, and as I packed up my belongings and said goodbye to the husband, the dog, and the white picket fence, I had to surrender all the “perfect pictures” I had created in my mind of how I thought my life was supposed to unfold.
What I focused on instead was connecting with the feeling essence of the life I desired. I conjured the feelings of exhilaration and pride at beginning a new adventure. I thanked myself for having the courage to listen to my inner voice and make choices that supported my continued growth. I meditated on the feeling of connection that I wanted to experience when I met my ideal partner. I spent an hour or more each day deliberately directing my mind toward noticing and appreciating all the good that was unfolding in my life.
As the emotions of pride and appreciation became my dominant vibrational set point, I was naturally guided to make choices that resonated with that energy. Ultimately, I quit my job in corporate America to pursue my passion for coaching full time, and now have a thriving, prosperous coaching academy. I followed my interest in learning more about universal laws, and met my now-husband in a personal development course that I never would have attended had I not embraced uncertainty. If I had played it safe, my life would never have expanded in the magical and abundant ways that it has.
We are always being called to evolve – and many times uncertainty places that call. Times of transition and challenge demands us to expand beyond the self we have known and to redefine, yet again, who we truly are and what we truly desire.