With the long holiday weekend yawning before us and some states in America beginning to slowly return to phasing back to a “new normal,” you might be feeling excited to think about some needed time off.

Since many of us have been “sheltering in place,” or still are, we’re all in a variety of places, physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually, so one size won’t fit all for how to acknowledge Memorial Day Weekend.  For some, it is a time for re-connecting while social distancing as you enjoy the outdoors, sit 6’ apart during a family BBQ, or visiting a loved one who died serving our country.

No matter what you choose to do, you can have a calm, healthy weekend, full of opportunities to relax, explore, and truly unwind.

Here are 5 tips to make sure your weekend is a delightful one.

  1. Eat and drink in moderation. Refrain from going overboard on the BBQ treats but don’t deprive yourself. Rather, consider enjoying one special treat while making healthy swaps on others. If you drink alcohol and have been overindulging as many of us have during COVID-19, consider having an alcohol-free weekend, making spritzers with fresh fruit and sparkling water.
  2. Prepare meals ahead of time. This way you can eat clean, with delicious whole foods that keep you full and less likely to snack on foods that have way less nutritional value. Also, bringing along your own meals on trips, saves you time, money, and calories.
  3. Get outdoors. Make sure you bring your mask or other face covering with you and wear it when you can’t maintain 6’ apart. However, you can also choose places that have low foot traffic. Whether biking, running, walking, or strolling to inhale deeply, being in nature is scientifically proven to boost your immune system. With many of us working remotely and sitting way more than we normally do, don’t be shy about exercising outside if you can. Also, remember to set a schedule for some daily exercise. This isn’t a “one-and-done.”
  4. Catch Some Rays. If being in nature for a prolonged period is not your jam, no problem. Just make sure you get a little sun while sitting and breathing in all that is still great about the natural world. Whether a stoop, porch, backyard, or lakeview vista, enjoy a few moments of sun and all its no. Vitamin D is a unique vitamin that many of us lack. According to healthline, “this vitamin is made from cholesterol in your skin when it’s exposed to sun.” So, balance getting enough sun (and when you cannot, take a practitioner recommended D vitamin supplement) with also making sure you’re not overindulging in sunlight. Too much sun can lead to skin disorders and cancer.
  5. Meditate on Gratitude. It’s hard to feel grateful in times of unease, but there’s a proven science to behind why expressing gratitude even with the simplest of gifts, increases our health, broadens our perspectives, benefits our business enterprises, and unlocks possibility. My friends at Gratefulness.org have a great COVID-19 toolkit that I’d love to share with you:  https://gratefulness.org/featured_resources/grateful-living-resources-a-pandemic-care-package/

I’ve also authored a poem for them called “An Ode to Lemons.” I hope it brings a smile to your face.