Tyler Webster is an entrepreneur who was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at the young age of fifteen due to a home invasion. In this article, we will learn how Tyler overcame the anxiety that comes with PTSD and how he has helped others achieve their goals too.
Beating The Anxiety And Stress
What is PTSD? PTSD is a disorder characterized by failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event.
The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.
That being said, the anxiety and stress suffered from PTSD can last for a very long time. Today, most people suffer from this but are not sure how to go about it and make themselves better.
To come out of this situation, Tyler shares some fundamental tips that you can apply; the first would be to develop a healthy eating habit. Eating good food can help alleviate your mood and also boost your overall health. The next thing Tyler recommends you do is to engage in mindfulness activities such as meditation and going to the gym.
Most importantly, Tyler advises that you shouldn’t get worked up when people make harsh comments toward you. Instead, take the high road and lead them to a civil conversation. It works more times than not.
Achieving Success
In light of this topic, Tyler shares that success is mostly about keeping your circle small and surrounding yourself with like-minded people. People that want to achieve the same set of goals as you.
To start, you can cut away all the negativity out of your life and look for valid sources of motivation. He also says staying away from drugs and alcohol will help tremendously. But if you are going to do anything, moderation is key. Tyler’s source of motivation comes from his parents. Some time ago, their house burned down and now they’ve hit rock bottom. So he has made it his goal to work as hard as possible to one day rebuild their house and regain the level of security they had before.
Tyler stresses that it’s okay to mess up, we all make mistakes and he still to this day battles with temptation and falls into it occasionally. If you mess up, you cannot dwell on it, that makes your depression worse and will lead you down a dark path to deeper depression. We do not heal the past by dwelling there. We heal the past by living in the present.
Tyler’s advice for anyone starting out in life is to embrace financial accounting. Without accounting, you will not be able to separate your business and personal life. Hence you will not invest in personal savings and build more streams of revenue. This can take you back a couple of years or more and even bankruptcy like he endured at 27 years old.
Suicidal Tendencies
Tyler mentioned a quote he refers back to often “I hit rock bottom but thank God my rock bottom wasn’t death.” Tyler endured multiple suicide attempts and hospital stays, he was even committed to the 6th floor for 3 days at one point. He believes God had a much bigger plan in store for him, which is why his suicide attempts always failed. Now he is working toward building his personal platform to help others struggling financially, mentally, with their health, and businesswise. Tyler says he still doesn’t fully have it together but he is consistent and he is at the best point of his life right now. He still makes mistakes and may fall off the wagon on a rare occasion, but he will not give up on his dreams. “It’s not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that defines us.”