I practice yoga myself and look forward to my time on the mat everyday.Not just to twist and bend that body but also to encourage people and make them aware of how they can bring about wellbeing in their lives. Yoga has many benefits both at a physical and mental level.

To be able to become a better being than what you were yesterday is an everyday practice. It starts with the body, moves to the mind and slowly becomes a part of the way you live your life. Yoga teaches you many lessons that we all can learn from to succeed in our entrepreneurial journeys. Here’s sharing a few.

“Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.”-Anonymous

1. Flexibility: Yes, a lot of practicing yoga involves achieving postures which ultimately increases your flexibility. This is not just at the level of the body but also at a level of the mind. In an entrepreneur’s world this is very essential. Whether it’s the early days of your company or you’ve come a long way, flexibility in the way you run your business will immensely help you. In business a lot of things may not turn out the way you had expected leading you to pivot and that cannot happen if you are adamant and hard as a rock in your business decisions and operations.

“The purpose of yoga is awareness, not perfected poses, beliefs, or any kind of attainment. Awareness from moment to moment requires quiet strength, flexibility, and balance. A good Yoga practice develops exactly these characteristics.” -Jim Gaudette

2. Awareness: We all know yoga has been known to heighten one’s awareness. With awareness comes a lot of clarity. It also helps in understanding things from the other person’s perspective. Yet another take home lesson from yoga for any entrepreneur. Knowing what your customers need and how you can address it can solve many of the business problems that you are facing. Keeping your customers happy is one thing but trying to understand them to give them better value is another.

“The yoga pose that you avoid the most you need the most.” -Unknown

3. Pushing Limits: Yoga is all about pushing limits. How far can you go? One of the reasons why most people fall in love with yoga is the fact that it’s different for everyone. It’s a different experience and you are constantly pushing yourself to bend further each time you return to the mat. Entrepreneurs should try and push their limits to grow. Challenging yourself to keep a mindset that wants to grow and succeed is an important aspect of the entrepreneurial ride.

For any entrepreneur being adamant and patient for pursuing your goals is required along with the ability to be flexible enough to let go or pivot. A balance is needed to conduct oneself so that one can emerge successful in business. Yoga offers all that and so much more. A healthier, happier and a prosperous life! Let’s unroll some yoga mats now, shall we?

Originally published at www.upasanabhattacharjee.com on June 20, 2016.

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