In the broadest sense, two ways exist to handle a problem: run away and hope someone else takes care of it, or tackle it head-on. As a longtime entrepreneur, Jay Bloom chooses the latter. Solving problems and achieving something no one thought was possible brings Jay great satisfaction in his work.
Such a personality trait is common among entrepreneurs, but problem-solving is most effective when it involves creativity. When allowing themselves to think outside of a situation’s typical parameters, entrepreneurs can overcome barriers and find groundbreaking solutions.
As co-founder of Pegasus Group Holdings, which develops renewable energy projects, Jay Bloom employed some heavy-duty problem-solving skills to help create The Hive, the largest solar-powered data center in the United States. Jay’s methods for problem-solving worked extraordinarily well for this large-scale project, and they can be successfully employed for smaller-scale projects as well.
Deconstruct overwhelming problems. Establishing a massive, $3 billion data center that can produce 340 megawatts of energy every hour comes with several unique problems. Breaking these into smaller issues and tackling the smallest ones first proved advantageous as Pegasus Group Holdings selected a 717-acre parcel of land in Mohave County, Arizona, as reported in the Mohave County Rattler. As each problem was overcome, the reality of moving 340 megawatts of energy off the grid and reducing the amount of carbon equal to more than 308,000 cars became clearer. Using this approach, by the time the last problem is solved, what at first appeared to be an insurmountable issue has been handled.
Remain calm. An overabundance of stress hampers productivity. If a problem arises and panic sets in, problem-solving comes to a grinding halt. When one sees a problem as a chance to create opportunity out of adversity, as Jay does, one can take a deep breath, step back, and see the situation more clearly. And then the problem-solving skills can flourish.
Listen more than you speak. Problem-solvers don’t do all of the talking; in fact, they tend to ask questions and listen. This allows them to clearly understand the problem and acquire varying opinions. Jay says that trusting what others have to say is essential, but verifying what is being said is also crucial.
Relish in your problem-solving achievements. When one has triaged problems and managed them with aplomb, the finished product brings immense satisfaction. For Pegasus Group Holdings, the issues of where to develop a massive solar-powered data center and how to secure a dependable workforce were solved by focusing on Arizona’s Mohave County, with its abundant sunshine and highly employable population. As the final problems were solved, The Hive became a reality.
Jay Bloom has built his entrepreneurial career around solving problems, creating sound solutions, and establishing projects that no one thought possible. It’s a model for success that has served him well and can be adapted to fit anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit.