Although becoming an entrepreneur is not for everyone, it is the most needed element of any economy, whether it’s a recession or things are really thriving. You just can’t have enough visionaries that were bold enough to take the risk to strike out on his or her own because they wanted more control of their lives and they were committed to creating value to the rest of the world. Entrepreneurs are frequently thought of as national assets to be cultivated, motivated, and remunerated to the greatest possible extent. Great entrepreneurs have the ability to change the way we live and work. If successful, their innovations may improve standards of living, and in addition to creating wealth with entrepreneurial ventures, they also create jobs and contribute to a growing economy says Amber Ferrell Steele.
Entrepreneurship is thus important for a number of reasons, from promoting social change to driving innovation. Entrepreneurship is creative and forward thinking. Although businesses run on money, entrepreneurs are often focused on a great deal more than their bottom line. They contribute to society by leading the way and by finding innovative solutions to practical, financial and social issues. Entrepreneurs use businesses to create products and services that solve problems in innovative ways. Because businesses must earn a profit to survive, entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of being impractical. Their products and services must be functional, and they must be designed to be cost-effective and to appeal to enough people to make it viable to produce the products.
Although the first computers were created in government and university settings, it took an entrepreneur to adapt the idea into a form that had widespread appeal and practicality. Similarly, governments may mandate environmental standards that force individuals and businesses to reach a threshold level of sustainability. But when entrepreneurs introduce products that are genuinely appealing and provide real world environmental solutions, their ideas get considerably more traction.
Entrepreneurs can change the way we live and work. If successful, their revolutions may improve our standard of living. In short, in addition to creating wealth from their entrepreneurial ventures, they also create jobs and the conditions for a flourishing society. The fledgling entrepreneurs, who come up with an idea and then make it happen with the help of investment and other necessary helps, are better known as the backbone of the economy. For an economy to be successful, it is very important that it has policies that advocate for the growth of small businesses. The role, that an entrepreneur plays while nurturing his or her business, is appreciated and encouraged, at least in the United States as the policy makers believe that small businesses are truly the structure that holds the economy in a firm manner.
They are constantly creating jobs for those that want one. When you’re the boss, you’re not only looking out for the well being of your family but the well being of your employees which is very, very rewarding to say the least. Especially with the state of the economy right now, it’s needed now more than ever.
The value that is created for the end user by using their products or services is beyond comprehension. If you were to remove every entrepreneur from your city, the city would collapse overnight. That’s why instead of us giving them a hard time, we need to appreciate what they’re doing from time to time. Yes they’re making a living but attached to that income is a mountain of responsibility that the public doesn’t see. They are constantly creating jobs for those that want one. When you’re the boss, you’re not only looking out for the well being of your family but the well being of your employees which is very, very rewarding to say the least. Especially with the state of the economy right now, it’s needed now more than ever.
The value that is created for the end user by using their products or services is beyond comprehension. If you were to remove every entrepreneur from your city, the city would collapse overnight. That’s why instead of us giving them a hard time, we need to appreciate what they’re doing from time to time. Yes they’re making a living but attached to that income is a mountain of responsibility that the public doesn’t see.