Serena Jenkins of Serena Hannah Athletics

Serena Jenkins created her own fitness brand with one goal in mind—to inspire women to integrate the mental journey as part of their physical journey. Her brainchild, Serena Hannah Athletics, is the result of many years of trial-and-error with exercise programs and equipment. Jenkins was an athlete all her life, playing basketball and volleyball in high school and later becoming a National Collegiate volleyball athlete. After graduating from Columbia College, she coached high school volleyball, then at the collegiate level at the University of Saint Katherine.

There is something entrepreneurial about coaching—coming up with a game plan, motivating players to do their best, and being responsible for both the wins and losses. Jenkins realized that she did not want to work for anyone but herself, and after the birth of her daughter, she and her husband put together their own game plan for creating a woman-centric business. Jenkins exercise gear is specifically designed for women, and it’s a brand that welcomes women of all ages, body types, and sizes.

As 2020 comes to an end, Jenkins considers how the year of the pandemic has affected us personally and globally and the things that we should focus on in 2021. She has a five-point plan:

  1. Forgive yourself of your own past.
    Write out a short list of people you care about but have lost touch with and contact them. Apologize for any past issues and tell them you love them and would like to move past any previous issues. If all we have is time, why hold onto grudges? I’ve been guilty of this myself, so I have some people I need to contact as well.
  2. Make a list of things you love to do and secret talents you have.
    These are now your new side hustles. Figure out how you can share your gifts with the world. If you don’t know what your gifts are yet, intern with someone and learn a new skill. You are taught in school how to work for someone else. But in the real world, entrepreneurship is
    freedom. A 9-5 job is slavery. You don’t have to be a slave, or as Robert Kiyosaki says in his amazing books, in the “rat race.”
  3. Create a vision board and research the power of manifestation.
    I created my first board almost a year ago, and my life has completely changed. I’ve seen many things on that board manifest into life. I didn’t believe in vision boards until I tried it myself. I can tell you from personal experience, it’s very real. Turn your face towards the sun and ask for what you want. Over time as you continue to ask for what you want and train your brain to do it over and over again. By the end of 2021 you will see your dreams coming into fruition. The hard part is belief and consistency.
  4. Adopt a fitness routine.
    You’ve heard this many times, but it still holds true. Drag yourself out of bed and keep getting back up when you fall off the routine. Forgive yourself when you sleep past your alarm. Tomorrow is always a new day. Take a mental break when you need one and jump back into it.
    You may lose 10 pounds and gain five back. Who cares? You’re trying. Over time your mind will get so strong, your body will begin to feel so good, you will start to have more energy again, and it will be something you look forward to doing. I’ve gotten all the way up to 215 pounds and back down to 155 pounds, and I’ve been many weights and sizes in between. I’ve also been an emotional eater. I’ve done a burpee and didn’t make it back up and fell on my face. It’s all okay as long as you set your alarm the next morning and try again. I also don’t believe you have to
    workout in the morning. Pick a time that works for you. Try your best to be consistent with your routine, and forgive yourself when you’re not.
  5. Look 2020 in the face and accept the loss, loneliness, and trauma.
    The best way to move forward past 2020 in my opinion is to hold a national ceremony and acknowledge it. I’ve been pushing for it, and I will continue to do so for many different reasons. We should all kneel for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, remember some of the leaders from around
    the world whose lives were lost, and after that point we can begin the healing process. But in my opinion, without acknowledgement, you can’t truly heal.
