Eylin Pérez Chu Molina

Eylin Pérez Chu Molina is a yoga teacher from Lima, Peru who has brought immense positivity in everyone’s life with her yoga sessions. Being a yoga instructor, she considers herself a student as her entire life has been a learning experience. Her first yoga session was way back in 2001 during the summer holidays, and since then, it has been an integral part of her life. However, Eylin did not think to take up the profession of a yoga teacher.

“Yoga guarantees wellness as well as fitness. Yoga is not merely an exercise but a way to attain peace through physical, mental and spiritual well being.” “Peace and harmony are related to Yoga. People across the world must practice it.”  It is rightly said that if we want to maintain a balance between oneself and environment then yoga is necessary for every human. We can’t deny the fact that since ancient times in India yoga is being practiced. The ‘yoga’ word is derived from the Sanskrit which means ‘to join or to unite’. Exercises of yoga have a physical effect and also bring a balance between body, soul and mind.

Yoga is known for its ability to ease stress and promote relaxation. When used alone or along with other methods of alleviating stress, such as meditation, yoga can be a powerful way to keep stress in check. We all love to visit peaceful, serene spots that are rich in natural beauty. Little do we realize that peace can be found right within us and we can take a mini vacation to experience this any time of the day. Yoga is also one of the best ways to calm a disturbed mind says Eylin Pérez Chu Molina.

She says yoga is a way of life. And if we incorporate yoga in our life slowly and make in an integral part of our life, we would be in a peaceful state in our everyday life. We would be able to raise above petty issues and will be able to view everything in a balance way. We would be able to take decisions without getting clouded by our emotions. We would think and act with complete attention, focus and awareness. Yoga in our daily lives brings in greater harmony in our thoughts, deeds and actions. Yoga is all about being kind to others and to our own selves. It eliminates the very often vein of judging people harshly or unfairly. It brings down the agitation and restlessness in us and sets us on the path of a calm, meaningful and focused way of living.

Why is it necessary to have yoga in our daily life?

– Practicing yoga develops physical health.

– It develops mental health.

– It develops social health.

– It develops spiritual health.

– It helps in our self-realisation, etc.

Eylin says, Yoga at the physical level comprises several postures or asanas to keep the body healthy. The mental techniques in Yoga include breathing exercises or pranayama and meditation to discipline the mind.

Yoga can even help improve your relationship with your loved ones. A mind that is relaxed, happy and content is better able to deal with sensitive relationship matters. Yoga and meditation aids in keeping the mind happy and peaceful. Gradually, you will also notice an improvement in your relations with those around you she quoted.