Try Miracle-Minded Management
Who can forget September 11, 2001? The shock. The horror. The tragedy. The losses.
I know for many people the thought of 9/11 continues to stir up anxiety, sadness and even anger. I hear it every year. Good people carrying this emotional weight around on their backs – or rather in their minds – not even aware of the toxic effect it has on them – physically, mentally and emotionally. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, who really suffers from hostile, fearful, vengeful thinking? Does it affect anyone other than the person stewing in it?
I know this is very difficult for many people to understand – and let go of. But science now reveals without a doubt that thoughts and feelings are measurable frequencies of energy, like musical sounds. Consider the work of the HeartMath Institute. Our thinking, which affects our feelings, is like a beacon of light sending a signal from our bodies, our heart centers. This signal then calls for like frequencies of energy to respond. We reap what we sow, beginning with what we are thinking, feeling and projecting out onto the world. When we think dark, angry, hostile thoughts, we witness a dark, angry, hostile world. In fact, we experience this kind of world because we are always being given evidence of what we are looking for. This is how the universe, which is pure energy and consciousness, works. It is showing us proof that “we are right.” We are not victims. We are participants in this process. Seek and we do find. What goes around comes around. Karma. This is the Law of Attraction and it has been around since the beginning of time.
So, what if we could change our thinking? What if we could change our minds about the world, the only thing we really do have any control over? What if we could tune into a different channel, a different vibration? What might we experience then?
In a word, the answer is freedom. Freedom from condemnation. Freedom from shame and guilt, which stem from a condemning attitude. Freedom from fear which is the foundation of the ego. Freedom from the idea of separation and dualistic thinking – right/wrong, us/them, good/bad, win/lose contradictions – the mantra of the ego.
This is what miracle-minded management is all about. It is a paradigm shift, an awakening to higher consciousness. It does little good in the long run to solve problems inside a box when it is the box (or thought system) that is the problem. Here is where the real secret to freedom and peace rests. It is outside the box – outside the ego thought system or mindset. It is not a state of the world. It is a state of mind.
Jesus gave us the ultimate example of this mindset when he said, “Forgive them for they know not what they do?” Does this sound like anger, condemnation and revenge? Or was He giving us a formula for freedom, a way to let go and let flow?
If you are still struggling with 9/11 or any other significant loss, here are four steps that can help. The four steps are Let Be, Let Go, Let See, and Let Flow, taken from the award-winning book Beyond Doubt. The first step Let Be, reminds us to be present. Be here. Be now. Be awake. Be aware. Use deep breathing and meditation to consciously live in the eternal now, the only time that matters. Beware of a wandering mind, a mind that projects negativity and doubt onto the future – like pain and suffering and death – or regresses to the past.
Step two, Let Go. Let go of the past. Let go of the ego thought-system – it’s fear, anxiety and doubt. Let go of grief and regret. Let go of negativity, criticism and judgement. Let go of toxic thinking, contributing to toxic manifestations in your body. Remember, misery loves company. Dis-ease invites disease.
Step three, Let See. Witness a whole new world of love and joy and peace when you transcend the ego thought system and truly think outside the box. Observe the beauty and stillness beyond the noise. Notice all the loving, kind people in the world helping one another. Remember, we find what we are looking for. Seek positive and you will find it. And when you find it, you will feel it.
This is step four, Let Flow. Flow is our true, natural state. It is our essence. It is the Tao, the great current flowing through us. It is the Holy Spirit guiding us. It is Source Energy, Chi, Prana or whatever name you want to give it. It is all positive, all loving, all forgiving. It is our Higher Self, our eternal nature. When we are aligned with this Life Force, we feel joyful, whole, timeless and complete. We feel at ease, despite the circumstances around us and behind us. We feel enlightened, and we light up the world with inspiration, hope and an authentic sense of well-being. What better way to face September 11th than with love, optimism, forgiveness and hope? Consider this. The world will never be at peace until you are. Be the peace you are meant to be. Be the miracle you already are.