Do you find yourself in a good space?
Chances are that you are looking around you right now and deciding whether the space you are in is looking good. You can stop right there because I’m talking about the space between your ears, your mental space. So let me ask you that question again… Are you in a good space?
I can honestly say that I find myself in a good space. And it hasn’t got anything to do where I am living or what I own. I just feel good!
Lots of people have got everything they desire but still don’t feel completely content.
For me, it’s about how you perceive your looks on the world. How you “find yourself” in that world when you felt lost. It’s about being grateful for what you have instead of feeling sad for what you “think” you are missing out on. It is about letting go of those limiting beliefs that are holding you back. It is about living your life and chucking away the feeling that you need to keep up with the Joneses.
Finding yourself in a good space is about feeling good with what you have, what you do, and who you are!
If you find yourself miles away from that feeling, then keep on reading because you might just get there quicker than you think!
1. Start your day in a CALM and GRATEFUL way
If there has been one big gamechanger into finding myself in a good space, then it is my calm morning routine I’ve created for myself. I’ve learned that starting your day in a calm and relaxed way as opposed to being rushed into your day can make such a huge difference. You can read all about my morning routine here.
2. (re)Learn the power of NO
Almost all of us have gone through a phase where our favorite word is “NO”. I can’t recall this but according to my mom it was a real thing! Children find out real quick the power of this short word. It gives them a definite sense of self. But slowly as we grow older we find it more and more difficult to say and use the word. We want to do good for everyone. (re)Learning to say NO is an ideal opportunity to rediscover your priorities and sense of who you are!
3. DETOX your toxic relationships and surround yourself with people that are your kind of crazy!
WHO we spend our time with has a significant impact on our lives – some relationships uplift and inspire us and others are downright draining. Who you spend your time with is a key influence on your happiness.
Did you know that throughout your life, you spend most of your time with just 5 people? You better choose your friends wisely ?
4. Identify your energy zappers and do something about it!
Listen, how possible can you find yourself in a good space if you feel exhausted the whole time? Take a look at what you are putting up with at home and work. What is limiting you? What is taking up all your energy? What do you need to change in your life to turn that around?
Hanging on to things cloud up your mind, drains your energy, and prevents you from moving forward. Be it grudges, holding on to the past, or resisting change. Ask yourself the question why you are holding on to them and what are the benefits of NOT letting go.
6. Do yourself a favor and STEP OUT of that comfort zone
When you are in your comfort zone, you are on auto-pilot. You may feel confident, relaxed and secure, snug even – let’s just say it’s an easy place to be. Comfy in a Fatboy kind of way. But, there is always a but, ever wondered that maybe you outstayed your welcome? That by staying put you are not going to move forward?
What have you been putting off doing because it makes you uncomfortable? What actions can you take to make it happen?
7. Do something you already want to do for a long time
Always wanted to take up a yoga instructor course? Then DO it! Wanted to learn how to play the piano? Get yourself a piano and enroll in the music academy. I’m such a big fan of lifelong learning! And no, there doesn’t always have to be a specific reason you want to learn something new. You can because you WANT to!
8. Do something your future self will thank you for!
Sounds overwhelming? Then start small… I’m sure if you do the dishes tonight, your future self will thank you tomorrow morning ?
Take it one step at a time and before you know it you’ll find yourself in a good space!
Need more assistance? Then let’s chat to see how I can be your guide on this journey!