I still remember the day when I got my first job right after my college with an eCommerce start-up company. I was young and stupid, fresh out of college with lot of energy & enthusiasm, ready to perform any task which was assigned to me. I didn’t care about my career and what I want to accomplish in my life or I haven’t given much of a thought to it. I was least bothered how the company is performing in the market and how I can leverage my growth along with the growth of the organization.
I did work in the company for one a half years and joined a mid-size IT organization as a Sales Executive where it shaped me to be among the best in what I do. This is all because of my ex-Boss who was very hard on me and at the same time brings out the best in me.
Why a good Boss is an amazingly big deal?
A good boss is not someone who knows their business and delegate as easily as breathing. They are a Leader, a Mentor who will show you your flaws and your strength. They will take the risk for you and put their own reputation at stake.
A good boss will encourage you and at the same time they will be very hard on you as well, give you the resources to turn your confidence into legitimate desirable product.
They will always be a lifelong student and encourage you to keep learning. My ex-Boss would always tell me that if you look at the profession of a Doctor or a Lawyer you will always find them with a book or spending most of the time in research & development so in the same way, why can’t we keep upgrading ourselves as well.
A good boss will help you advance in your career growth, will protect and support you.
A study done and published on Forbes showed that more than 2 million people are quitting their jobs every month around the world. It showed that 74 percent of those who quit considering finding a new job with a ‘good boss’ while 32 percent are actively looking for another opportunity with a boss that would let them grow.