America is an anxious nation right now. Numerous polls and studies indicate that our population is living under an increasingly large cloud of stress and anxiety. To some, the blame lies in our modern world and current political climate. Regardless of the roots of our nation’s growing anxiety, it is clear that more Americans ought to be seeking help for their mental health concerns and investing in a healthier future. Therapy offers myriad benefits and can help a wide range of different individuals and groups. It may be right for you, so seek it out! Anxiety may be a fact of life in America right now, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get help that improves your stress and mood and helps provide you with coping strategies that make living in modern America  easier.

An anxious time for Americans

The world feels like a scary place for many Americans right now. We live in a fast-moving always-connected world, and stress is everywhere. On top of that, a tense political climate is making it hard to go about our daily routines without thinking of things that make us fearful or angry.

The effects are showing, as seen via in surveys and studies. Among American adults, 39 percent are more anxious than they were a year ago, experts say. And some experts believe that it has a lot to do with politics, the news, and the daily realities that come as a result of those governmental and sociological issues.

That makes this an important time for all of us to invest in our own mental health. That’s especially true of people in traditionally vulnerable minority groups. LGBTQ+ individuals, for instance, may find that now is the right time to turn to therapy for support in an increasingly anxiety-provoking world.

Investing in your mental health

Imagine for a moment that you lived in an area that was causing you problems with your physical health. Perhaps there’s excessive pollution that harms your lungs, or maybe you’re dealing with a heat-related illness.. If you can’t move away, what would you do? You’d probably go to the doctor, right?

When it comes to dealing with a world that makes you more anxious and upset, the solution is equally clear: You need to seek support and treatment for your distress and mental health. Fortunately, more  Americans are realizing and acting on this choice. The stigma that has long surrounded basic mental health treatment is falling away, and we’re beginning to see just how silly it is to avoid treating our own basic health needs.

Our mental health is a part of our basic overall health. Our brains are parts of our bodies just as our hearts, lungs, legs, or livers are! And when our mental health suffers, experts agree, our physical health can suffer, too. We’re still learning about all of the different ways that mental and physical health are connected. Among other things, we know that poor mental health can cause us to take less effective care of our physical health, and that poor diet and exercise habits can hurt our mental health. We know that anxiety and stress can literally take years off of our lives. And we know that, just as with physical health care, mental health care works.

If you’re suffering from anxiety or even just feeling a bit worse about the world around you, you should seek out help for your mental health. Head to a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. Work with your health insurance company to find a provider in your network, if necessary, but don’t shy away from investing what you can afford to protect your mental health!

Therapy comes in all forms. Members of the LGBTQ+ community will find that LGBT therapy is the perfect place to talk through issues related to coming out and living as an LGBTQ+ person in our current climate. Other specialized therapists work with children, couples, people with substance abuse issues, and more. Seek out the professional who is best positioned to help you with your specific concerns.

Making the change for you

Americans are anxious. There’s a good chance that you are, too. No matter what you think of our fast-moving, always-on modern world or the political climate, therapy can help you! Consider making an appointment today.