Depending on which of the many research studies you read, between 8 and 19% of people who set New Year’s resolutions actually stick to them. No doubt, you figured this out years ago when you bought that January 1st gym membership.
Yet, 2020 was such a heartbreaking year, it’s important that we go into the New Year with a hopeful vision of the future and some new tools at our disposal. Which is why I want share the following strategies for 2021, gleaned from a podcast I started mid-lockdown to connect with more people in our virtual world.
In each week’s episode of Libby’s Leadership Lab, I ask the experts to share one mini-challenge that listeners can experiment with after the episode. Here are a few of my favorites from past and upcoming episodes for you. Choose one or do them all like I am. Feel free to choose one or try them all like I am doing. It’s been great fun to refresh, refocus, and move into 2021 powered by action.
Connie St. John – Communications expert (and friend for 30+ years), Connie suggests that we write out five things we plan to accomplish in the next five years. Swap your list with a trusted friend or family member (someone who’ll be around), put your list away, and make a date to check in with each other in five years to see all the amazing achievements you’ve ticked off the list. My list is in the mail, Connie.
Meredith Elliott Powell – Sales and marketing guru MEP says to think less about marketing to people and more about connecting with them. Her elegantly simple suggestion is to reach out to two people you haven’t spoken to in a while every single day – just to touch base. Great advice for anyone (like me) who finds sales a little scary. Loving the outreach.
Perry Marshall – Consultant to companies including Infusionsoft and FanDuel (that’s the one that’s turned me into a fantasy football widow), Perry gave us the awesome recommendation to spend a few minutes in meditation (prayer, silence, deep-breathing, whatever) before—and this is the important part—tuning into the outside world. This means reflection time before screen time. This one tip has upped my productivity 10-fold.
Jason Cutter – Author of Authentic Persuasion, sales consultant Jason tells us that one of the most important elements of building your business or career is to make authentic connections with others by sharing who you really are. I never expected this closing-the-sale guru to suggest that everyone read The Five Love Languages. Reading it right now.
Chiquita Jones – Last but not least, systems and process specialist Chiquita says to take some chill time, not just for the holidays, but regularly. Snuggle up and read a book, watch a movie, or take a nap. And refuse, absolutely refuse, to feel guilty about it. Ahhh, deep breath…
Want to lead your team into 2021 with a hope-driven vision of the future? Bring Libby in for a virtual presentation to share stories, strategies, and the science of hope theory!