Greetings my friends!
There are many new things that have been developing at Nourish the Brain over the past month. I’d like to talk to you about new workshops, group sessions, and of course, our new office location.
I challenge you to choose a new way to get healthy, with Nourish the Brain Institute. There is always something great, no matter how small it may seem, for us to improve our daily actions in a positive way.
Check out our upcoming Workshop and Online Mini-Course
Sign up for a Webinar to freshen up your awareness of nutritional basics
Workshops are happening monthly, here at our beautiful new office space. Come and spend an hour with us to discuss the best ways to increase your health in body, mind and of course, your brain. We went ahead and added a twist, this season we have created an online mini-course for you to learn at home, at your own pace. There are 4 simple and easy lessons to complete when you join Gemi in the kitchen and discover what foods can earn their place in your home. I invite you to take a closer look at what you are routinely eating and establish a few guidelines.
Webinars are another simple way to listen in on something you might have already heard before from Gemi, but it bears repeating. Gemi walks us through the role of fats, sugar, and inflammatory foods and how they are constantly affecting our organs and nervous system. Invite a friend who may be struggling with stress, fatigue, and other negative feelings, but might not be aware of their cause.
Well, the beans were already spilled. We have moved locations, conveniently downtown in San Luis Obispo. Right above Takkens Shoe Store, we are so thrilled about this open and refreshing new atmosphere. We would love to see you here to have a chat about your health, during a FREE health reset, or a workshop, or our new group series classes that will be announced soon.
Fresh news always feels so good to announce. I hope to hear from you soon and that you are taking great care of yourself. Thank you for being a part of our Nourish the Brain Community and with sincerity, I wish you good health.