Carlos Ariel Then is a well regarded Millennial Business and Finance Coach with experience in the Corporate world of Banking and Investing, Non-Profits, Taxes, and Real Estate.
Through his services and mentorship he has helped thousands of struggling people better understand their finances and experience immense growth. As he works with a diverse range of individuals and financial situations Carlos has developed and expressed many elements he considers essential for financial growth.
Shift from an Employed Mindset to an Entrepreneurial Mindset
There exists a sense of security in accepting your salary as the baseline for all your financial decisions. Working hard, collecting a check, and stretching that single source capital to make ends meet often ends up being the typical baseline for many when it comes to finances. Carlos Then identifies this as an employed mindset.
Having an employed mindset puts a limit on not only a potential increase of capital but also your financial freedom and ability to navigate issues when they arise. Many people coming to Carlos with significant credit and other financial issues have a fixed idea on the exact nature of their problem as well as misunderstanding of possible solutions. It is best to understand effective solutions as not just a quick fix or sudden alleviation of the problem, but a total shift in mindset that persists past initial approach. The way to put yourself in the best position to succeed is to understand and develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Your struggles or potential limits shouldn’t be seen as obstacles but rather areas that can give you the opportunity to increase flexibility and production in your financial life. Growing an entrepreneurial mindset requires a persistent effort in expanding your financial knowledge and looking for opportunity to grow.
See Money as Tool
For many, money is looked at as a scarcity. The overwhelming stress about not being able to pay bills or feeling crushed by bad credit can cause a person to perceive their finances as a progressively unconquerable force. Carlos experienced this same feeling in his life, stuck thousands of dollars in debt at one point. It wasn’t until he started viewing money as a tool that he began to feel the stresses of finance ease away.
The existence of an issue in credit, investments, or another area of finance, don’t magically go away with a shift in mindset. But in viewing money as a tool for growth rather than an oppressive source of anxiety can not only lift you from your current troubles, but open up opportunities, allowing you to to better control your future however you want.
Learn So That You Can Earn
A significant portion of the stress financial trouble causes is centered around the feeling that there are little to no options that deliver you anywhere other than more debt. The difficult, overwhelming nature of many of these circumstances paint certain areas of finance as impossible to understand and not something that can be used to your advantage. Carlos understands this anxiousness and fear in this area, but saw immediate changes in his own life when he pushed past this fear and started learning as much as he could about credit and other areas of finance.
He found that behind the jargon and dense texts there are easily understandable concepts and strategies that can be utilized by anyone who gives effort. His mission is to deliver these ideas to others in simple terms and allow them to understand that learning more about their finances can be an impactful force on all fronts. The more you are able to learn, the better position you will be in to tackle financial struggles and use finances as means for growth rather than an area of discomfort.
Use Your Marketable Assets to Your Advantage
Much of financial management can be focused on risk aversion and crisis management. These areas are important, and getting out of significant trouble is usually top priority, but at the same time there should be an effort to realize all positive assets at your disposal and determine how they can be used to increase growth. If the ultimate goal is to not only get out of trouble but also create a stable, flourishing life, then making plans as soon as possible to ensure stability can be essential.
For Carlos, his business and growth as an all encompassing advisor was affected by how he utilized his marketable appearances and attributes. Simply having a memorable name (and website URL) helped, but other steps were implemented as well. Even as he began to grow his services he kept his profile picture and other graphic designs the same over the years in order to establish consistency and stability. For this same reason he keeps simple direct messaging on his site and services to promote honest and directly effective interaction.
Carlos Ariel Then is a reputable Millennial Business and Finance Coach, you can find more information about him and his services by visiting his website at .