You may have heard about “manifesting” and dismissed it straight away as new age and weird. I get it, I’m a lawyer. Rational. Skeptical. Intelligent. I also live in the Bible Belt in Alabama, raised as a conservative Christian. Before I believed in “manifesting” I would need evidence.
Evidence is exactly what I was given!
I first took notice of the concept of manifesting at a conference by Mike Dooley. He’s a teacher and speaker and was in the movie “the Secret”. I found myself surrounded by way too many happy people who were curiously dancing before noon. I was so uncomfortable, I kept leaving for the bathroom, or the snack bar, or to hide in my room. These people were a bit off their rocker. Or so I thought.
The second day of dodging hugs and running from the jangling of bracelets and I was ready for the lovefest to end. But between checking email and Facebook, I was listening and Mike said something that struck me. It went something like this, “You can keep taking pills and going to therapy to figure out what’s wrong with your life or you can decide to be happy.” Hmmm… could this be true? Could it be that easy?
I could just decide to be happy?
I went back to my room at the end of the session to think through this a bit more. I turned it around in my mind and nodded off with thoughts of happiness running through my brain.
I woke up and felt off-kilter. Something had shifted in me. I was buzzing with excitement. I was ready to be happy. What was so wrong with lots of bracelets (I realized you can gauge the spirituality of someone by noticing the number of bracelets they have on, seriously check it out!)? Dancing in the morning? Hugs? I could do it. I could shake off the mantle of cynicism and disbelief. I would decide to be happy.
That’s where it started. First, I manifested happiness. Then went on to manifest things I had only dreamt about. My eyes were open to an entirely new way of living life. It started with that first decision. .
Isn’t it worth a try?
Follow me on ThriveGlobal to learn more on how you can manifest too!