One of the most read books around the world is the Holy Bible which gives so many life nuggets even if you are not Christian. In the Bible there is a book called Samuel. In this book there was a woman named Hannah. Hannah was barren (without child) and she prayed feverishly to God for a child. God ultimately heard her prayer, and she gave birth to a son named Samuel who became a major Biblical figure.

I had the pleasure of having a chat with Hannah Keeley. Hannah is known as America’s #1 Mom Coach as she has been featured on Rachael Ray, Fox and Friends, The Today Show, and other media outlets. She has coached countless number of women around the world. It was such a lively and spirited interview and I want you to come journey along with me in this read. You will walk away with such a warm feel, a deep sense of reflection, and hope. After talking to Hannah, I immediately thought of Hannah in the Bible who was mentioned above. I am quite sure Hannah in the Bible felt an array of emotions when she could not conceive. Hannah could have given up and said that she would never give birth. However, Hannah kept believing.
In so many ways I believe that Hannah Keeley helps mothers who may feel barren in their heart and soul give birth to their destiny and purpose. So many moms at times feel that they have lost their hope, peace, joy, vision, economic stability and the like. I believe Hannah Keeley is being used by God to help women transform their lives from the inside out and to help break their internal barrenness.
We all have a story but are we brave enough to share it? Shame and guilt keep so many locked in internal prisons. Many moms are just going through the motions in life while hanging in the balance and stuck in their own abyss. Hannah shared she was in a downtrodden state in a particular season of her life. She even said her laundry was in a constant disarray. Hannah has coined this as “Mom Fog”. Hannah says she was there, and I know I was too. Many mothers have bought into false narratives about themselves that just are not true. Many are waiting to get themselves altogether before investing in themselves by seeking help. Every mother needs a village of support and Hannah offers that in her many programs.
Hannah is quite vivacious, and bubbly and I honestly was honored to sit and chat with her. I am so glad the heavens allowed Hannah and I paths to cross. I love women who are brave and courageous enough to “keep it all the way real”!
Hannah’s energy is contagious. If you do not feel happier or more upbeat after talking or listening to Hannah I would be totally surprised. I have conducted many interviews, but everyone does not resonate with me. Hannah did! I like people who are authentic and who do not care what you think of them or know about them. I am the exact same way. We all are flawed and there is no sin that God cannot forgive as Hannah mentioned.
Hannah teaches the gospel of Jesus in practical and relatable ways. So many times, preachers of the gospel make you feel you must have a PhD to understand God. God can speak to us in the most practical of ways. Hannah says she heard a still small voice in whom she believed was the Holy Spirit that told her to get up and do her laundry when she was in the “Mog Fog” and she obeyed. Hannah says, something just that simple started the process of getting her out the “Mom Fog”.
So many moms as Hannah says are afraid to be vulnerable and afraid to say my house and my heart is in total disarray. One of my favorite motivational speakers is Brene’ Brown who also discusses the power of vulnerability. Being vulnerable is a strength and not a weakness. Some moms cringe and are afraid to admit that they do not have things all figured out. One of my favorite sayings is that “the pillow doesn’t lie”. Many moms lay down at night and cry themselves to sleep but they will not open up and say I am struggling. Help is available. Hannah is seen as the #1 Mom Coach who has helped many women get their lives back with God’s divine instructions. Hannah has programs offered to moms to meet them where they are. I can tell from talking to Hannah that the programs she offers provides a judgment free zone.
One thing that stuck out for me was that Hannah consistently drew you back to what the word of God said. Hannah in the Bible did the same thing to get her breakthrough. If God said it that settles it. Hannah believes obedience to God will help you live as God desires. I wholeheartedly believe that. She kept referring to practical ways in life that we should obey God. Hannah mentioned sometimes we want the big things in life, but we are not managing the little things like our laundry. Often, we want the luxurious things in life, but we will not even clean our homes or be kind to our husbands as Hannah said. I said, come on Hannah! Can you as a mom be faithful over the little things?
This was such a powerful interview and Hannah want moms to know that “God wants you to operate with signs, miracles, and wonders.” I too believe in the supernatural power of God. He can transform a mom from the inside out and make all things new. After you watch this interview it will surely be life changing and get moms to thinking how they can transform their lives.
Click the link below to watch the entire video. Go get your pens and paper many gems were dropped!
You can get a free copy of Hannah’s book ‘Mom Fog’ by signing up for ‘The 21 Day Mom Fog Challenge’ here:
Let’s stay connected. You can find me @Tarinna Olley on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Also here on Thrive Global.