Responding to the Coronavirus pandemic, has given many of us an opportunity to spend time with ourselves that we would otherwise do other things with. How we are spending this seemingly free time, is starting to challenge many of us to rethink how we speak to ourselves. 

The vocabulary we use in our inner dialogues rarely mimics the words we use when talking with our family and friends. We have a tendency to repeat what we hear from others in the media and conversations. 

Being stuck at home or social distancing or physical distancing are all new ways sharing our thoughts and feelings. Already too many people are speaking on auto pilot without any sense of the impact the words are having on our mindset and behaviors. 

I am sharing three ways in which I shift my thinking from Stuck at Home to Safe at Home. Each of these three habits keep me grounded and confident in the understanding that I will get through this, along with my family and friends. 

The three Bs are Breathe, Believe, and Break. Each of these words gives me comfort when I in my practice of them in my life. How you practice them will be unique to you, my suggestions are for your consideration. 

Breathe reminds me of the precious and fragile gift of life. When I focus on breathing in five times at least three times a day, I am in the present moment with no distractions. Being in the present moment takes aways the regret of the past and the fear of the future. 

Breathe has a way of bringing me back into my body and focusing on how I am being supported in the present moment. When I look down at my feet, I know without a doubt that every natural law in life is supporting me fully. 

Breathe is best practiced in meditation. I mediate with guides, who assure me of the support that is all around me. I also meditate in action and clear my mind when doing something that require my undivided attention like gardening or cooking. 

Believe is all about the faith system that I have come to understand ad accept. The believe experience is unique to each person calls for mutual respect. Believe is the way in which we all know that something or someone beyond our comprehension is working towards out collective good. 

Believe practices vary by faith and yet they all include some form of communication with an entity recognized to be more powerful and knowledgable than any one of us individually or collectively. Inner peace is often an outcome of our faith practices. 

Believe is relying on the proof, that already exists in our lives about a fear or uncertainty. Most of us can find the evidence to prove to ourselves that everything is going to be okay. 

Break is hitting the pause button and letting things stop. The hiatus, we take from the everyday, gives us a perspective that is otherwise impossible to see. Stopping long enough to reset our minds and hearts is a powerful way to see how our lives are being supported. 

Break means we get to interrupt the pace and rhythm of our lives. Break means to press the brake in our journey, so that we can shift our mindset on our experiences.

Break gives us the opportunity to find joy. Joy is illusive in the rat race many of us live, joy can be found in the calm and quiet moments we spend alone or with others who share our values. Joy sits patiently waiting for us to take a break, so it share its miracles and blessings. 

I am Safe at Home today, on day 42, because I give attention to my Breathing, Believing, and Breaking. I have come to understand that, for me, these three Bs are habits that keep me in the mindset of accepting life as the precious gift that is for me and my loved ones. I seek to honor life with my practices and enjoy my time at home. 

When I reflect on my life; and I do that more often now, I find the proof that Safe at Home is my mantra during these challenging Covid-19 times. 

There will come a time again; when these three Bs will take center stage in my life, and I am massively grateful that these habits will be present to support me in my life.