Appreciation for those offering a necessary service is incredibly important: both during these times of hardship and times of relative ease. Services such as healthcare are massively important, and one should always be thankful to both doctors and frontline workers for the hard work they offer to the many. Understanding this as valuable assistance to workers continuing these difficult jobs is always encouraging, and one should strive to encourage when the time calls. There are many ways to show appreciation to frontline workers that go farther than just mere words. Also, always start by thanking professionals on LinkedIn

To begin, it is important to be kind to workers in general. These doctors and other healthcare workers are human beings with feelings. This can be a stressful field to work with, having many ups and downs, and a little bit of compassion can go a long way towards helping improve their work lives. One should practice saying thank you frequently, so workers know they’re appreciated for what they’re doing. Compliments and basic courtesy go much farther than one might think.

One could post a public message encouraging others to share an appreciation for healthcare workers. It can be anything from a sign on a bulletin board to a postcard sent to the hospital. It can brighten a frontline workers day just to see a sign in passing reminding them that what they do matters to someone. It will also remind the general population that they exist and are trying their best to serve everyone in need.

Many groups are starting to participate in a daily salute to doctors and other workers: grouping up once a day in celebration of their determination. Some applaud, others wave signs and honk horns. Many make large public displays for all to join in and encourage these workers to keep going during these hard times. They generally meet up once a day, at a defined time and place, to do this salute in order to raise morale amongst these workers.

Another way to assist would be to donate a meal to these hard working heroes. Many organizations offer this service, be it through volunteer work or donations to make it happen. These workers are very busy, especially now, and often don’t have time to hunt down a meal during all the necessary overtime. A nice warm meal can fill a worker up and fill a heart with joy at the same time. Even the smallest bit of appreciation can make a massive difference.

One of the best ways to support local medical workers during the ongoing pandemic is to involve congress in the process. By getting many people to send emails and messages to congress, workers can be sure they will get the funding and supplies they need to stay safe and stocked. This is without a doubt a wonderful way one can show support. There are many other ways one can support their striving workers, one just has to keep an open mind and a good eye out for opportunities to do good. 

Thank you,

Chanoch Harow
