For people who enjoy boating, there is no greater pleasure than getting out onto the water. Regardless of whether you own a sailboat, motorboat, or one of the other 20+ types, there is no shortage of fun to be had. Some people are happy to enjoy the act of sailing for what it is and can spend hours navigating around. For others, activities enhance the experience.
Fishing is one of America’s most popular outdoor activities, ranking #2 under running and jogging. Fresh water and saltwater enthusiasts have a friendly rivalry about which is more impressive. Still, nearly half of all fishing hobbyists catch and release, so the enjoyment comes from catching and then immediately returning wildlife, unharmed, back into the water. The recreational benefit of fishing is the relaxation and camaraderie in between getting a tug on your line.
Aside from fishing, water sports are the next most popular activity to do on a boat. Most boats are equipped to handle wakeboarding. All that’s required is the wakeboard itself, which is a shortboard with foot bindings. Other equipment needed includes a wakeboard rope and a life jacket. There are very few steps involved in this sport, but it takes time to master them. The rider begins by laying, stomach-side down on top of the board as it trails behind a stopped motorboat. As the boat accelerates, the rider stands up, and as the boat tows the rider across its wake, the rider can jump the waves or simply enjoy the thrill of being pulled along.
Wakeboards have fallen out of favor with older generations because of sideways leg positioning. It is too confining for some people, which is why water skiing is gaining in popularity. Also, waterskis are less expensive than wakeboards.
Another unique advantage to owning a boat is that it can take you places that land routes cannot. For people who love camping and the outdoors, boating can provide an instant change of scenery. As long as you pick a spot that is authorized for visitors, it’s a great way to take a mini-vacation very close to your home. Pitch a tent, cook a meal over a fire and enjoy a night sleeping under the stars.
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