People tend to worry about the future of work, but, in many ways, the future is now. We often  hear in the news how AI and automation will change our work sectors and make human labour obsolete. It is true, the way we work is changing and, often, change can be scary. We know change is coming so let’s take a look at how we can prepare for it. 

We now know that 30% of tasks related to most occupations could be automated in the USA. These even include knowledge based tasks previously thought to be only achievable by humans. Check out this report for more information. 

Decentralized workforces could become the norm in the future. Mobile technology has advanced to a point where we have readily available internet. Remote workers are already commonplace. Employees simply don’t need to be under one roof for work to be carried out smoothly and productively. Future workers will be able to live anywhere in the world, even working from the beach if they choose to.  

Interestingly, it is believed that money is becoming less important to people in deciding their career paths. Motivation will come from the purpose of the job or the mission of a company. Workers will also want different kinds of incentives such as new technology to carry out tasks and personal development opportunities. 

Robots, AI and complex algorithms will become co-workers to humans. The question we need to ask ourselves is ‘what would you let a robot do?’ Humans will need to develop confidence in these machines for them to become mainstream in society. 

Company positions will become more fluid and project based. Generation Z employees are more interested in having multiple roles than one strict job. Freelancing is much more appealing to the youth of today. 

It may seem silly to say, but learning is more popular than ever. Podcasts and Tedtalks ect have given popular culture a thirst for knowledge. New skills will be constantly updated as technology advances at a pace we can hardly keep up with. 

We must fully prepare for the future if these changes come to fruition. There is no point in being part of the group that says ‘robots will take all our jobs’. Instead, we need to be optimistic about the opportunities technology can afford us. Humans can be more creative, imaginative, passionate and emotionally intelligent.  

Workers will be in more control of their pathways than ever before so individual learning will take precedence. The future could see the end of the ‘ corporate ladder’. Humans will decide their work life experiences and be able to take the initiative for themselves. 

Recruitment will need to think of news to attract future employees. Assessing skills that are less likely to become automated in the near future like emotional intelligence and critical thinking will be far more important than it is today. 

Structures in the workplace need to nurture lifelong learning that takes into account creativity. Exciting CPD training will be essential to attract the next generation of workers.