Planting, growing, and caring for plants has proven to be a valid form of therapy to many who have tried it. After taking the time to study its effects, therapists, scientists, and counselors have noticed that. Their clients and study subjects often show signs of decreased stress and improved thought patterns after taking up a little gardening for an extended period. Merely seeing a flourishing garden can lift your spirits and make you forget about your problems. If you have a backyard at home, you might consider taking part in this therapeutic hobby.
A Release of Happy Hormones
Garden cultivation, also known as horticulture, is the art of growing and caring for plants for the sake of enjoyment. It urges people to spend time outdoors, breathing fresh air, and enjoying the natural scenery. Tending to beautiful flowers and plants is just one of the many kinds of activities that causes the body to produce hormones that make people feel great. Levels of serotonin and dopamine increase significantly during such activities, as they do with many forms of exercise.
Uplifting the Community
Community gardens are treasures that can bring people together to heal and recuperate, as well as load up on those “feel-good hormones.” Working together to care for flowers and plants that you have planted yourself can inspire healing from past traumas that still plague you with disturbing memories. There is a sense of rejuvenation that comes with spending time outside and working with your hands with others to create an environment that is pleasing to the eyes, nose, and mind. People recovering from alcoholism, drug abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety disorders often benefit from horticultural therapy as a treatment for their conditions.
Gardening is Easy
Gardening is easy for practically everyone to get started. All that is needed is a bit of free land and good soil. Most people have these two ingredients in their backyards already and only need to get some seeds and equipment. If you don’t have a yard, try starting with a few flower pots or hanging baskets. Depending on how far you wish to go with your new horticulture hobby, you might want to consider reading a simple gardening book to learn the basics.
Article originally published on MichelleBeltran.org