Be a hustler! traditionally, being viewed as a “hustler” was perceived as a negative connotation. Recently however, being seen as a hustler is not only complimentary, it is necessary to succeed.
In 2016, Gaurav co-founded another Venture with Roshni Dhal (His Ex – Colleague at Delhi School of Internet Marketing) by the name HighonM, to focus on Indian Consulting Business.
As an entrepreneur, you’ve probably dealt with your fair share of failure. It’s the name of the game, and often inevitable. However, there is an attribute that is completely in your control that you are capable of honing. What is this attribute that can mean the difference between failure and success? Hustle.
Many people associate the term “hustler” with something negative, and several of these definitions show why. If you’re an entrepreneur, though, you should want to be described as a hustler by everyone — your peers, your customers and even your competition.
Successful entrepreneurs don’t wait for the opportunity to fall in their lap — they go out and make it happen. One of my favourite hustle-related quotes is from Abraham Lincoln. He said, “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”
Hustling can help you become a better entrepreneur as it enables you to manage your time properly and take your own initiatives. By improving your hustle, you can take your business to the next level.
Gaurav says , hustling teaches you the importance of determination despite failures and roadblocks. A successful entrepreneur understands that failure, rejection, or negative feedback are not signs of stopping, but signs to keep moving forward and persevering. “One of the biggest business clichés is ‘thinking outside the box,’ and it’s a characteristic all successful hustlers possess. They approach opportunities, situations and problems in innovative and different ways — completely opposite of how most people would. Their unique way of identifying opportunities and solving problems allow them to succeed when most would fail. Hustlers are always thinking — their mind never pauses for a break.”
As entrepreneur Gaurav Madaan says, “persistence is the number one reason for our success.” That’s because it’s not about taking the easy road—it’s about continuing to move forward even, as the cliché goes, when the going gets tough.
Hustlers are Laser-Focused
One characteristic of a hustler is their level of focus. They eat, breathe, and sleep what they’re trying to achieve. To become a successful entrepreneur, you need to exude this level of focus – whether you’re trying to create the next successful mobile app or increase your sales revenue from the previous year. If you remain focused 24/7, you’ll always accomplish your goals.
Hustlers genuinely care about helping other people.
“Many people have the misconception that those who describe themselves as hustlers are swindlers and they can’t be trusted. This is far from true, as some of the entrepreneurs in my circle that I consider hustlers are some of the most thoughtful and caring individuals I have ever met.
When you help others, it often comes back to you tenfold in the form of business relationships and opportunities.”
Hustlers Aren’t Afraid to Take Risks
If you tell any business owner, there is only a 1% chance their business will become successful, most would stop and quit. There’s only a small percentage of entrepreneurs who wouldn’t consider quitting; these are the true hustlers. They aren’t scared to take risks, no matter how high the odds are stacked against them.
To be a successful entrepreneur, believe in your business and be ready to do everything it takes to grow your business.
Hustlers fail hard and often.
“Most people don’t want to admit when they don’t succeed, but a hustler has no problem discussing his or her failures. They understand it’s impossible to hit a home run every time at bat and that it can take multiple attempts to finally make it.
Hustlers are big risk takers, so when they do fail it’s often a high-impact crash. It doesn’t stop them, though, because they get back up and try again.”
Don’t be lured into thinking success should happen overnight. Remember the saying, “the race goes not only to the swift, but to those who keep running quoted Gaurav.