I am Generation X and proud! While age bias is real, it’s time us 40+ year olds flip this script and talk about the advantages of being 40+ as we lived life before it was automated.
I remember life before the internet and watched Google, Amazon and Apple rise from nothing.
I didn’t have Google during my school days… we were still reading books and used the library for research. Creativity was alive and well.
I watched analogue turn digital and all the creativity that took.
I was part of an original Salesforce pilot when they were nothing more than a mere startup during my days as an Account Rep at RL Polk & Co. I was part of the Polk team when we purchased Carfax now both owned by IHS markit.
I watched the rise + fall of the pets.com sock puppet.
I lived through 9/11 and watched the devestating blow to Detroit; the former Big 3 – Ford, GM and Chrysler were offering 0% loans for 72 months along with government bailouts as the automotive industry blew up and left thousands of people jobless with upside down mortgages. Abandoned homes were the new norm as people bailed out of MI in search of new opportunites in a new state.
In these troubled times, being 42 years old is a competitive advantage!
#resilence #culturefirst #ageism #bias