Is anyone else struggling with the abundance of post Covid in person invitations? Clearly, I got used to my perfectly indented couch cushion. Though I immediately RSVP’d yes when I was invited to the book launch party for Marshall Goldsmith’s, The Earned Life. As the day drew near, it felt like it would take an exorbitant amount of energy I didn’t seem to have.

There seemed to be so many ways to back out. My friend who was supposed to go with me got Covid, another friend offered me a ticket to see the Music Man that same night, and it was raining. Now all of you out there that relate to all this, in the past, I would give you a pass. I would tell you, you don’t have to go and ask, do you want to go?

I knew that it would be a great night. So, I summoned some productive energy and drove myself to the upper-west side on that rainy night, parallel parked, and showed up. I am so glad I did.

I got to reconnect with old friends I hadn’t seen in person in two years and with Marshall’s tradition of having everyone introduce themselves, I got to meet new people as well. One of those people was Debbie Heiser, the founder of The Mentor Project.

I was enthralled. She described the vision as a Make-A-Wish for successful people who want to give back. They’ve sent artists to Tanzania to teach art to kids who have never had art classes, they’re helping other kids get patents on their ideas or inventions, and so much more. 

I was hooked and wanted to help. I listened and learned and got my kids involved. If you have teens, check out the Mentor Project’s “hack-a-thons” where they get kids together from all over the globe to try and come up with solutions with complex problems.  

Looking for a way to help her, we scheduled a call and she explained what they most needed was fundraising and board development. I was off to the races with suggestions and connections. I told her about key organizations that might be able to help her. At the end of the call, I was feeling energized, excited and offered to become a mentor if the need ever arose for more mentors.

Debbie’s response? “What about a board member?”

I smiled, and we talked a couple more times. Today, I am proud to announce that I have been elected to the board of the Mentor Project as a Board Strategist. 

So next time you are feeling like you can’t find the motivation to give your couch a much- needed break from your backside, remember this story. Show up with open and productive energy. Show up with the mindset of a Connector, curious and with a generous spirit. You never know where it may lead.

I am honored to be a part of this amazing organization. Debbie’s vision is inspiring. So of course, this week’s 50 for 50 charity is the Mentor Project. It holds a very special place in my heart and life and combines everything I believe in, connection, kindness and education.