As I diligently began to post on my ‘Facebook,’ ‘Instagram,’ and ‘TikTok’ accounts, it suddenly hit me. Today, July 3, embarks on a remarkably brave, new, historic mission whilst actively reintroducing the original cast and the production of ‘Broadway’s,’ ‘Hamilton.’
A quick upload to ‘Disney Plus’ is a venture accurately gained in time for an honorable, family oriented ‘Fourth Of July’ valiantly celebratory, festive, patriotic, early to mid summer holiday.
An unapologetically dedicated, patterned beatbox and the encouraging gift of musical rhyme leads the audience on an exciting journey, rightfully capturing poignantly still, effective, political, valuable moments self explainably understandable to the current, average, every modern day, efficient generation.
‘Knowledge is power,’ they often, happily say, guiding through a particular process of time, in this case, the comfortably existent, eventual, embraced appearance of an important lesson learned during a noticeably dramatic, intense, energetic fight, strongly, courageously standing up in support of one’s beliefs in the form of an openly, universally, diversely welcomed community.
Simultaneous is the clever idea of ‘Sharing The Mic’ whilst also, effectively lending social media platforms to those with significantly growing audiences for powerfully, in depth storytelling opportunities. Directly stemming from the African American population, uniquely informative, inspiring tales are chosen, ultimately paving the way for a more positive and inclusive future moving forward beyond unimaginable heartbreak.
The invention of a solution is not easy, thus productively providing this country a refreshingly creative, thoughtful direction and the freedom of exploration, the discovery of much needed, menial, plentiful, two way conversation.