Happy Halloween! 

Have things been going bump in the night for you? 

It is true that on this day the veil between the spirit world and our physical realm is thinner. This doesn’t always mean scary ghosts and goblins though.

Have you been having more dreams about a loved one who has passed away?

Has the favorite song of a deceased loved one been playing incessantly on the radio?

Have you seen symbols or signs that remind you of someone who has transitioned? 

This is a sacred time to reflect on and connect with our ancestors who offer us so much more than family curses. They shower us with wisdom and resilience and an energetic connection to our past. 

As someone who had to seek out a medium coach because my abilities were so excessive, I understand how much of a struggle today can be.

I learned how to control this gift and only allow it in when I wanted to hear from the other side. I have never felt more empowered than after learning how to manage this aspect of my life. 

If you are struggling too or simply struggling with the energy of this day, I invite you to begin with this simple and powerful tool.

Simply ask for a spiritual body guard to stand at the veil and only allow in who you would like to welcome. This does not mean that your requested visitors will visit, but this is one way to keep unwanted guests from disturbing you.

This spiritual body guard can be Archangel Michael, Jesus, Buddha or whomever calls to you.

Elicit this protection and you will find that life will begin to shift for you. 

In the meantime, I remain laying low and counting down the moments until I can place all of my gratitude decorations up tomorrow morning.

As such, I couldn’t wait to get started on our month of gratitude meditations.

As we raise our energy frequency through gratitude, we are also not bothered by energy that is lower than our frequency. 

Our sixth sense is vibrating at a higher level and does not attract unwanted visitors. 

Like attracts like.

So join me in giving gratitude for the incredible senses that make up your sixth sense today, even if you’re not feeling very grateful today. 

Because there are times in our lives when we think gratitude can feel challenging.

What could I possibly feel grateful for when everything seems to be falling apart?

This is where the pivotal magic happens.

When we dig a little deeper and find the many blessings in our lives, we begin to attract abundance, happiness and joy.

When life feels bleak, begin with appreciating your senses.

These incredible senses allow us to experience a richness in life that is immeasurable. A life that feels, tastes and smells rich in abundance and joy.

Join me today for our weekly meditation, Gratitude meditation for our senses, that will guide you through an appreciation of your senses as you elevate your energy and the blessings in your life.

Enjoy your day and I look forward to an entire month of gratitude with you! 

Much love,
