There’s so much talk about physical & mental wellness, but have you considered the health of your resume lately? I don’t normally talk about job health, but it’s an important part of your life: whether you’re happy or stressed will impact your overall wellbeing.
I’m a former HR professional, a trained chef, a yoga instructor & an avid studier of Traditional Chinese Medicine. My goal is to help cultivate all facets of emotional & physical intelligence to help you thrive in all aspects of life-empowering you to navigate challenges & transitions through work, life, health and wellness in this ever-changing world.
There is economic uncertainty. Now’s the time to prepare. I’ve included 5 tips to a great resume below.
5 Tips for a Great Resume
?Have measurable/quantifiable results. This demonstrates the overall impact that you had on the organization.
Ie – Ambiguous -Increased sales for North American market Change to -Increased sales for North American market by 30% year over year
?Font size should not be smaller than 10 or larger than 12 – Keep it easy to read.
?Speaking of keeping it easy to read, choose a readable font – Comic sans should be banned
?Multiple roles at one company? Consolidate titles and bullet points. There’s no reason to list out every single thing that you did in every single role. Keep what’s relevant to your job search & the roles for which you’re applying.
Position Title – Dates held
Position Title – Dates held
Position Title – Dates held -bullet points
?Use language from the job descriptions that are of interest – Recruiters use a search functionality to scan resumes. Using words from their job descriptions means you’ll show up towards the top of their search
?Keep your contact Information easy to read. Long gone are the days when you need to include a physical address. Cell Phone, email address & a personalized LinkedIn URL. Include a social media handle if it’s relevant to the job for which you’re applying
Drop a ??in the comments if you’d like to schedule a free 30 minute call with me to assess the health of your resume!