Health-whenever a body is liberated from any kind of illness which is characterized by physical, mental or psychological, and social well-being, it is the ability through which many atmospheric & environmental functions performed valued work, family and community roles.
According to the World Health Organization Pakistan are contemporary standing 1st 122 out of 190 countries in terms of health care. The health care has not made a priority in Pakistan, as due to financial limitation people even not meet their basic needs.
Lack of awareness in rural communities and the number of diseases which are widespread are just because of ignorance towards health issues. A large number of diseases like cholera, asthma, complain of respiratory effects, hypertension, mental health, environmental health etc are all create a huge impact in the lives of people. Some mold has also been known to cause health problems.
Health effects are undoubtedly also linked with disclosure to internal moist spaces and Mold
There are hundreds of multi sorts of molds as these are the fungi which can be found practically in every environment, both indoors and outdoors. Mold also affect on human health by causing respiratory problem, allergies, infections, nasal and sinus congestion and toxicity. People who are sensitive to mold can include the symptoms of wheezing, burning eyes, skin irritation and most probably a dry cough. The severe symptoms of mold may have headaches, flu, and memory loss. Due to the exposure to mold if the people got ill, so must take actions to protect the health.
Population at Hazard
The major clinical, research, and challenges of populations at risk and these problems may be faced in the near future. But the Expansion of health services in some areas, health community center programs and the massive Medicare prescription benefit is scheduled in future.
Environmental health
As environmental health impacting, all the physical, psychological, chemical and biological factors external to a person, and also effects on behaviors. So the people who work or live in buildings which are exposed to humidity or moisture are not ventilated adequately and are at risk of illnesses caused by mold. The people especially, infants and children with existing respiratory conditions, such as allergies and asthma are affected by molds.
Check for Mold
Exposure to damp and moldy environment may cause a variety of health effects. Mold is a fungus and grows in the form of multicellular filaments. So the moisture sources in home may include; humidifiers, damp basement, leaky plumbing, and defectively freshen areas. Testing for mold is quite exclusive and complicated but when it is seen or smelled, it needs to be cleaned.
Stay Fresh
Just too live in spanking new and fresh atmosphere must take some steps. Whether, have a mold problem in home can be identifying by Mold Testing. The amount of mold particles fluctuates from place to place so the mold test gives a picture of an amount of mold spores in a certain area at a certain time. So for the sake of healthy and fresh life must change your standard of living. As there is no compromise at health safety and a person must valued health first.