It’s only normal for every parent to want only the best for their children. And while all of us will do whatever it takes for our children to be successful in every field, we mustn’t forget something that’s even more important, which is for our little ones to be healthy and happy. So, how do you help your child thrive and reach their full potential without putting them or yourself under tremendous amounts of stress? With the right mindset and proper methods, it’s definitely possible. Here are some ways to do it.
Make your child comfortable
Whether you want your child to study, do science experiments or simply read, you should do your best that they have a place exactly for this purpose. Furnishing a room where they can do these things is a great idea, and it’s essential that this room or area is comfortable enough for them. Yes, they should have a desk and a chair, but if these are plain and uncomfortable, it’s highly unlikely that your child will actually enjoy being there. So, invest in an ergonomic chair and desk, preferably in a color or shape your kid chooses. Furthermore, at least one corner of the room should look more like a cozy playroom than a classroom. A bean bag or a big cushion next to a cute lamp and a bookshelf will do the trick, as will colorful boxes with school supplies and even games they can learn from. Finally, the temperature of the room should be a pleasant one, since being too hot or too cold can affect your child’s learning abilities.

Correct without criticism
If you want your child to learn something, your objective should be that they do it with ease and have fun in the process. However, this won’t happen if your kid feels pressured or tense in any way. This is why the manner in which you correct your child’s mistakes is pivotal in forming their attitude towards learning new things. Avoid reacting sharply or saying the word ‘no’ too often. For instance, if your kid reads a word incorrectly or if they can’t solve a mathematical problem, don’t get annoyed with them and dwell on how wrong they were, but rather give them some encouragement. Point out what they did right about the task and ask them if they can spot their mistake on their own. Similarly, when they mispronounce or misread a word, tell them that their reading is good, but also tell them how the word in question should be read. Basically, you should complement your child’s efforts and focus on everything good they do, so that they remain enthusiastic about learning.
Provide the right kind of help
Not all children can excel at everything, and even if your child is a high achiever, it doesn’t mean that they’ll do great in every class or with every subject. When you notice your kid’s struggling with something, always offer them help. They should know that this is something which is normal and perfectly acceptable, so that it doesn’t lower their self-esteem or make them feel bad about themselves in any way. For example, if your child is having problems with reading fluently and you don’t think that you can help them yourself, find a good course in phonics for kids. It’s important that their tutor is a friendly and experienced one, so that they pay special attention to the areas where improvement is necessary and that they monitor your child closely at all times. When you find a course and a tutor your child likes, you’ll know that they’ll get more than just help with a specific subject. They’ll get a positive outlook on learning and can even develop an eagerness for something that they initially had difficulties with.

Turn failure into success
Every child (or person) fails at something once in a while, which can put too much strain on them and make them inclined to give up. However, failing at something doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Of course, you can’t expect your child to be happy about it, but you can show them that they can accept it as something that happens and that they can use to our advantage. Again, praising a child for their efforts is crucial here, and the failure can then be turned into a learning experience, so that they know what not to do again. Another thing that they can learn from failing is where their weaknesses lie, so that they can work on improving themselves in those exact areas. Tell them stories about how you or other people they know failed in the past and how you dealt with it. It will mean a lot to a child to know that this is something everybody goes through, that it isn’t the end of the world and that it shouldn’t affect them negatively. When they learn how to get over something unpleasant without being taken aback, they can consider that a huge success, instead of feeling stressed or anxious.
When your viewpoint on your kid’s schooling, sports or any other extracurricular activity they do is a positive one, your child will be more likely to assume this viewpoint as well. So, with the use of the right strategies and techniques, you can remove stress from their path to success and be there to guide them and help them with anything they need.