Sometimes a simple little thing like this can put a smile and warm feeling in someone else’s heart, and make their day a little better. They might then do the same for others. No person is an island. We are all part of our communities and societies that contribute to who we are and what we can achieve. Once we become independent and autonomous, for instance, once we start working, it becomes essential for us to give back our time, money, and effort.
It comes in the duty of a counsellor to give complete primary facilities to the people living in his area. The Ex – counsellor of Lambha Ward, Shri. Rajendra Bharwad had tried his best to fulfil his duty in five years during his tenure.
Think about all the people you know that are making a difference in someone’s life. What do they have in common? One person can make a difference today, just one. Maybe you are the one who’s changing the lives of those around you that you’re unaware of?
It’s hard to believe but, we all are influencing society. What matters is whether we contribute positively or negatively. And it doesn’t consider whether you contribute less or more. Stop What You’re Doing and HELP. It’s easy to think that our priorities are the ones that matter the most. When you’re driving and see someone along the road struggling with a flat, stop to help. Wouldn’t you want a person to do the same for you? There are tons of ways for us to lend a helping hand throughout our day.
No matter where we are in our life, no matter what type of schedule we currently have, there is always a way to make a difference in somebody’s life. It’s true what they say, that doing the little things can make a big difference. This also means that what you do can have a huge impact on someone’s life. If you decide that you can contribute, even a little bit, in making someone else’s life better then do it said Rajesh.
Rajendra Bharwad says when we choose to take the time to think about others, volunteering our time, makes a huge impact on both you and the individual you’re helping. Not only this, but it also gives our lives meaning and purpose.
As an ex-municipal counsellor, Shri Rajendra Bharwad tried hard to fulfil his duty as a public representative during his tenure. He was elected Municipal Councilor by winning the election from Bharatiya Janata Party’s ticket from 2015 to 2020. As a public representative, he wishes to give his service to the people in the future too.
The world is a big place filled with billions of people. It is easy to think that one person can’t possibly do enough to change the world. When the weight of global issues simply feels too huge for one person to handle, we have to remember that we do have power to make a difference, even if it starts on a small scale Rajendra Bharwad quoted.