At this point, most people have come to realize that the best thing we can do to stop the spread of the Coronavirus is to stay at home and keep our distance from others. That has been leaving a lot of people feeling like they can’t do anything to help. However, there are some ways we can help our communities right now, both in actions and in financial assistance. So if you’re one of those people who feel called to help in times of need, here are a few things you can do.
- Check up on neighbors, particularly those who are elderly or high risk. Something as simple as a phone call or text to see if they’re okay or if they need anything can make a difference. We need to take care of the most vulnerable people in our communities during this time. If you’ve stocked up on supplies and have extras, offer those extras to neighbors who may need them. If you have something they need, leave it on their doorstep, or if you’re already going out to get supplies for yourself, offer to pick up groceries or medications from the pharmacy for them.
- Give blood. The American Red Cross has been warning of shortages in blood supplies. If you’re healthy and able to donate, you can schedule an appointment to do so at redcrossblood.org. Blood donation is safe, and even in the best of circumstances, there’s a constant need for blood and blood products.
- Remember your local first responders who are serving on the frontlines of this epidemic. Call up your local fire department, police department, or hospital and offer to have meals or coffee delivered.
- Shop local if you can. While some restaurants and stores are certainly closed, those that are open – even in a limited capacity could use the support.
- Call up your favorite local restaurants, bars, and coffee shops whether they’re closed or only offering limited service and see if they’d be willing to create a tip sheet with names and Paypal/Venmo accounts of the kitchen and waitstaff. The restaurant industry has been hard hit during this time, and many have lost their jobs, so anything people can donate is likely welcome.
- Reach out to local non-profit organizations to see if there are needs you can help to address. Some have come up with ways to continue serving the needs of the community while still following social distancing guidelines.
- Donate. If you have the means, there are many organizations out there trying to help those affected by the pandemic in a variety of ways.
So if you’re stuck at home feeling like there’s more you should be doing to help during the crisis, these are just a few of the ways you can help make a difference. If nothing else, know that by staying home and taking the recommended precautions, you’re helping to slow the spread of the virus.
Article originally published on DanielTarnowski.net