It finally arrived. The first day of Spring. Today is always a highly anticipated and celebrated day for me, but especially this year. As the morning bloomed, sun poured through the crystals hanging in my window, casting rainbow light speckles on my walls. I found myself intuitively called to get out of the small self-generated emo-mind rut that I had allowed my frequency to tune to and bring myself up to higher ground. I could catch myself if I began now.
With that awareness, one by one, the signals came. The inspiration sparked. The heart opened. And I followed the trail, and then took the reins. As I wrote the following for my friends and inspired supporters, I did so for myself as well.
Remembering that we, as a collective quantum consciousness, are connected and have temporarily chosen to experience this physical reality, we forget — or haven’t yet discovered or fully believed — that we are created from the Source of all that is, with innate abilities to create from our emotions, heart, and imagination. The power in this is potent.
Let us adjust our focus and habits of thought and action to what we can do in this, or any real or illusionary crisis. Let us remember the art and right to be picky about what we believe is possible and take the little steps that lead to the big changes. So, on this first day of Spring…and tomorrow…and on any given day…
Let us go outside…and let the sun shine on our faces…stand barefoot in the earth…stare at the flowers…put our arms around the trunk of a tree…study the insects on their tasks…watch the squirrels run and play… listen to the birds…and look up at the blue sky.
The natural order of the universe continues…because it can…and it wants to…and it will.
Get outside of your head. Get outside of your environment. Get outside of yourself.
Create a new way. Break your routine. Shift your perception. Observe your beliefs that are in your way, though they have been that way for so long. Create space for breakthroughs. Study the roots and the sprouts that break through the soil, even in the concrete and through the weeds.
There is always a new way…waiting for you to see it.
Look for it.
Today, and every day