Hopeful Minds, a free program aimed at teaching Hope to kids around the world, was featured on ‘Teens on the Edge’. Hopeful Minds is free and available to all around the world, and can be used in many settings and should be taught to each and every child.
Hopelessness is the ONLY predictor of suicide, and of weapon carrying to school, and a primary symptom of depression. All kids must learn how to create, maintain, and grow hopeful mindsets.
Ask your local church, community group, after school program, school system, Big Brothers / Big Sister Group, or YMCA to teach. Hopelessness does not discriminate, so we must ensure each and every child is taught. Bring it to your communities today.
Find out more about the Hopeful Minds program at www.hopefulminds.org.
Thank you, BBC, for helping is shine a light on this critical topic.
This was originally featured on Teens on the Edge, in the UK in October, 2018. Rights were granted for educational and informational purposes only.