Moving on from your old line of work in search of a new job is by no means an easy feat. You have to scour the market, find suitable employers, go through the lengthy application and interview process only to be told “we’ll get back to you” time and time again. At least that what I thought, that is until I met an old friend of mine who used to be rather miserable working his well-paid, yet very stressful job. I remember how the toxic environment used to get to him and how he always struggled to find his place in the company.
But the thing is, he was everything except miserable when I last saw him and as a matter of fact, the guy couldn’t stop talking about how his life got completely changed for the better and how happy he became once he started working on his new job. I could hardly believe my eyes and I simply had to ask how in the world did he manage to set himself free from the nightmare that was his old job position and what it actually took to find his luck elsewhere. Here are some of the points we discussed that day and their involvement in his decision to change his life for the better.
Update your cover letter and resume
You can think of a resume as a medium for self-advertisement, complete with basic information, education and training, relevant skills and previous and current employment. Updating your resume and cataloging your previous employment as past work-experience signifies the transition from the old and into the new and closes a chapter in your life. Being in-between jobs is often a challenging experience for some, however, the very act of preparing your resume and cover letter for the next round of employment is a telltale sign that you’re ready to move on onto the next, hopefully, more positive work experience.
Work on improving your professional brand
Whether you’re looking for a new job or you want to reach greater success in your current line of work, a strong digital presence is crucial for those looking to make a great first impression. Hiring managers and recruiters often scour through different social media platforms in order to find information about the candidates, which means that all your social media profiles need to be fully complete and up-to-date. If you already don’t have a LinkedIn profile, make sure you create one and make an effort to write an eye-catching summary that will accurately represent you as a business professional, highlight your expertise and describe your current skillet using standard industry keywords.
Research the company you’re applying for
Living in the digital era means that all the information regarding your potential employer can easily be found online. Using a simple research, you can easily find the most promising companies you can work with. Another way to look for company information is to visit one directly and talk to the employees in person. Alternatively, you can go through employee reviews and testimonials, such as those made by previous Youi NZ insurance employees and check whether working in those specific conditions is a step in the right direction.
Do your best to prepare for the interview
Taking the necessary time to adequately prepare for the interview increases your chances of success. The more time you take, the less stressful your interview will actually be. Research everything you can about the company, its employees and your new job position and makes sure you practice asking and answering interview questions out loud. Always dress for the occasion and instead of bragging or whining about your previous work engagements, try to impress your interviewers with your conference, skills, and expertise.
Don’t forget to thank everyone you’ve met for presenting you with the opportunity and don’t hesitate to remind the hiring personnel why you’d be an ideal candidate for the job and restate your interest regarding the position in question. Carefully evaluate every offer you receive and only accept those you feel will lead to a positive change in your lifestyle. If you end-up declining the offer, make sure you do it politely or try to renegotiate the terms by providing them with a counter offer.