There’s no denying that air pollution constantly surrounds us these days, and has become difficult to combat. But now that you know it’s smog that you inhale every day, what are you going to do about it? The dangerous PM levels are harmful for mental health of many. While leaving your town doesn’t seem a practical idea, checking air pollution forecast regularly before stepping out can be easily done.

Here are a few more things you can easily do to calm yourself –

  • Say no to morning walks – I might sound a fool saying this, but trust me, drop the idea. You’d be healthier if you just choose to exercise from home instead of stepping out and inhaling toxic air.
  • N95 masks- All of us are familiar with them, now that the COVID-19 is on the rise. But using them normally will help you be healthy.
  • Air purifiers/ air-purifying plants – and why not! While you use a hundred different things to decorate your house, use these plants instead. They are a perfect alternative to minimize pollution.
  • Use Nasal filters – If you don’t know about these yet, you’re probably living under the rock. They’re a perfect solution to help against allergy, pollen, and pollution. They’re transparent and a good alternative for face masks.
  • Take steam – yes, they’re not meant for only when you’ve a cold. Steam with essential oils (eucalyptus or rosemary oil, for instance), can relax your air passages and remove toxic particulate substances.
  • Eat healthy – foods like jaggery can flush out toxins from your body in no time. Have it raw, or replace with sugar in your day-to-day life.
  • Ventilate – Try to open your windows and doors in the evening, which is around 3 pm-5 pm. This is when the concentration of PM is the lowest.

A few more tips for a healthy breathing experience and an improved mental health–

  • Try to make ORS and Glucon D a part of your diet – They’ll save you from lethargy that air pollution is giving you
  • Try to wash your mouth, nasal tract, and face every three hours.
  • Be religious, but do that without using incense sticks – Don’t get me wrong, but praying for good air pollution while causing it won’t do good to us!
  • Stay away from smokers as much as possible if your nasal tract is sensitive – it’ll become very difficult for your system to recuperate otherwise.

While air pollution will be here for a very, very long time – our health can be in our control. Happy and healthy living!