work from home and health

During the epidemic, working from home has been the norm. In the UK, 24% of workers worked entirely from home as of October 2020.

Health vs Convenience

While remote working is handy since you don’t have to get up as early or drive to work, it also means that the majority (if not all) of your work will be done online.

As a result, employees must spend lengthy periods of time sat in front of computers and other devices. While it may appear to be innocuous, this way of living can lead to health problems such as high blood sugar, weight gain, and muscular strain.

Finding time to exercise can be tough at times, especially if you are confined inside the comfort of your own home or are overworked. So, here are some pointers to help you stay active while working from home.

1. Take the opportunity to get out of bed for food and drink

While it’s handy to have food and water nearby so you can keep energised and hydrated without getting up, standing up to go to the kitchen or bathroom requires you to walk, which boosts your step count.

While we spend the majority of our professional and personal lives in one or two rooms, these little bursts of mild movement help to keep us active.

Consider having lunch somewhere other than your desk to ensure you get a decent break from the computer. Because your attention is split between many activities when you eat while working, you may overeat, resulting in unhealthy weight gain and undesirable snacking habits. Taking a break from your work for lunch not only keeps you energised and nourished, but it also offers your brain a break.

2. Turn your desk into a fitness station

You may still move your body in beneficial ways while keeping your eyes on your job if you struggle to carve out a few minutes to become absorbed in physical exercise.

If you’re short on time, consider some desk-based core strengthening exercises like sitting ab crunches, seated leg pull-ins, and standing side crunches. These exercises don’t require any special equipment and can be performed in under ten minutes to fit into your schedule.

Core exercises improve stability and balance while also reducing back discomfort and general stiffness caused by sitting for long periods of time. If you prefer low-impact workouts, try easy stretching and shoulder rolling to keep your body from becoming stiff.

3. Make sure you’re taking breaks that are productive

Taking extra breaks, in addition to lunch breaks, is helpful to your health, mind, and productivity. Long lengths of time spent seated and gazing at a screen can lead to feelings of overload, but taking pauses helps you to recover, reset, and let your mind breathe.

Taking frequent pauses allows you to re-energize and re-focus your mental and physical energies, allowing you to be more productive when you return to work.

Breaking up your work reduces weariness, sleep disturbances, and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Instead than sitting in the same location and looking through social media throughout your breaks, consider standing up. Instead, put the time to good use.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance

Incorporating some light movement into your workday may seem difficult at first, but once you get into the habit, it will become second nature.

Consider these suggestions for making time in your day for your health and achieving a healthy work-life balance. Remember that your profession is essential, but your health is just as important, and when we take care of our mental health, our work improves.
