
You can purify your mind as well as body but how will you purify the spirit? Let yoga help you purify these, all at once. To know more, read the following article.

Those who practice yoga have vouched for the fact that yoga benefits overall health and wellness. It purifies you inside out including mind, body, and spirit. This has convinced people to enroll for 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

One can experience effects of practicing a few minutes of yoga which can refresh the mood, cleanse the mind and body, sharpen the brain, etc. Let’s understand how yoga benefits overall health:

Improves mental and psychological health

Stress can be so exhausting that it may lead to depression. Whereas, yoga shifts your focus from the negativities, abstraction, and anguish, etc. It develops mindfulness which calms the nerves as well as the nervous system and purifies the mind to the core.

Helps cope up with hardships and improve quality of relationship

It isn’t easy to cope with the hardships of life, but practicing yoga teaches you to deal with them positively. This inclination makes you aware of your thoughts, emotions, sensations, and surroundings. It eventually results in improved quality of relationship with self and others.

Reduces chronic pains in the body

A study was published in Annals of Internal Medicine in 2013 which found that practicing 45 minutes of yoga, daily for a week, can help in reducing chronic pain in the lower back. Another study published around the same time found that yoga can also relieve chronic pains in the body if, practiced for 4 weeks regularly.

Lowers the blood pressure

Fluctuating blood pressure if not controlled, may lead to the risk of heart diseases. Therefore, regular practice of yoga helps in opening up the arteries and managing the blood pressure. This eventually lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the heart and reduces the risk of heart diseases.

Though these are a few reasons to practice yoga regularly, you can also enroll in yoga teacher training in India for broader learning.

Here are a few yoga postures to help you purify mind, body, and spirit:

Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved chair pose)

Regular practice of this pose activates digestive energy in the body. It keeps your lower body grounded and brings spaciousness to the upper body through the stretch. The stillness in the pose strengthens hip flexors, thighs, and glutes. It also stretches the side body and melts away the love handles. Also, it energizes the chest, heart, and shoulders and alleviates pain in the upper back.

Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-legged forward bend pose)

This pose is designed to benefit the entire body. Apart from stretching the entire back, leg muscles and calves, it also supplies fresh oxygenated blood to the brain. It refreshes the brain, calms the nerves and also relieves from mild headache. It also activates the crown chakra which detoxifies the impurity and negativity from the body and helps in attaining peace. To know more benefits of this pose, join 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose)

Holding this asana from 30 seconds to 30 minutes will aid your body in distinct ways. As per ancient yoga texts, this asana benefits every organ and chakra in the body and hence, it is called the mother of all asanas. It stretches your buttocks, legs, neck, and shoulders. It increases blood circulation in the body which cures stress and fatigue and calms the brain. It stimulates the thyroid and prostate gland and balances hormonal disorder. Moreover, it has a therapeutic effect on sinusitis, asthma, and infertility.

Purvottanasana (Reverse plank pose)

Practicing this asana purifies the spirit as it helps in developing spiritual energy in an individual. It may be difficult in the beginning, but the regular practice strengthens the back, legs, triceps, and wrists. Staying in this pose helps you extend the limitations of the body. Raising the heart to a height helps you conquer the fear and failures of life and motivates you to keep moving forward.

If you don’t believe such mind-blowing effects of yoga, start practicing it; you will witness the same too.