Achieving Your Dream Career While Avoiding Pitfalls in Arriving There

You deserve a rewarding career in which you feel happy and fulfilled.  Career coaching helps you achieve that rewarding career by having tough conversations to get you moving. Take ballet or golf for example, or playing chess. You cannot become an expert the first time you try unless you learn it from a skilled instructor.  Is managing your career any different? Most people who don’t think career coaching is important and who aren’t adequately educated on how to manage their careers experience less satisfying careers.

Career coaching guides and empowers you on how to take control of your career and achieve the success you have always dreamed of.  With the achievement of your career, success leads to positive modifications in all areas of your life. Career coaching helps you with:

  • Evaluating your current skills, requirements, and experience
  • Discovering your career options and making a realistic action plan
  • Getting past your limiting beliefs
  • Helping you focus on those areas to reach your success
  • Avoiding mistakes that could result in missed opportunities

These modifications help you to:

  • Earn potentially more money
  • Gain freedom in your career and life
  • Find a career that you love and is aligned with your values
  • Feel more connected to your career
  • Reduce work stress
  • Gain more energy

Career coaching helps you navigate the steps and strategies to guide you and help you act on changes that lead to success in your professional and personal life. Let’s see how:

Your Career Coach Will Personalize Your Career Plan

Professional career coaches are trained and skilled to help you create a personalized plan aimed to meet your goals. Sure, you can get a ton of great information from the Internet, but you need someone who is unbiased and willing to ask tough questions and challenge you to be your best self. 

Your coach will take you through a series of exercises and guide you through questions about your situation to ensure that you understand why you are unhappy in your present role and help you discover your dream career. Your coach will assist in crafting a plan and will be there to help you achieve it.

Your Career Coach Will Accelerate Your Success and Change

Career coaching is a success service as it supports an individual’s own efforts to move forward in their career and life.

The coach helps navigate the best approach to your dream career and life.  A career coach facilitates the necessary steps by focusing on your needs, desires, and blind spots.  This professional will guide you in maintaining a balanced attitude by offering feedback on your methods, emotional state, and behavior.

Make Informed Decisions Regarding the Progression of Your Career

You got an offer that sounds great, but how will this next move position you to fulfill your short- and long-term career goals? Exactly, your career coach will guide you in understanding the evolution of your career and in taking the correct steps to get there.  Most importantly, your coach can help you avoid mistakes that could sabotage your career plans.

Set Goals and Shape a Roadmap to Your Destination

Goal setting is indispensable to advance in your search. A career coach will help you recognize where you are going and build benchmarks to get there.  Keep the goals simple and attainable are the first two steps in setting your goals with your coach.

A Career Coach Can Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Being unsatisfied at work often promotes difficult emotions, including low self-esteem, doubts about yourself, and lack of confidence. Not being happy each day you go to work causes stress and anxiety.  Your coach can help you by facilitating your progress and helping you maintain balance in your self care.  Similarly, being in a high-stress job myriad of demands can also be wearisome and damaging for your self-esteem. Working 40 or 50 hours a week in a position that you hate can make you feel vulnerable and worried about the future.

A career coach empowers you to avoid costly mistakes going it alone, to overcome setbacks, take action and maintain your focus. Discovering happiness in your work requires you to challenge feelings such as self-doubt and rejection in healthy ways rather than letting these factors sabotage your progress. Coach facilitation helps you find happiness, energy, and freedom in your career and life.


  • Mark Danaher

    Career, Life and Leadership Coach, Virtual Speaker and Trainer

    Careers by Design LLC

    Mark Danaher is a career/life/leadership coach and certified career counselor who helps leaders elevate their careers and life to one they will love.  He helps his clients make the best of tough situations so they can be their best professionally and personally.   Mark uses coaching along with his extensive career development knowledge and expertise to offer his clients a uniquely holistic approach to making career and life pivots.  He helps his clients manage burnout, stress, and anxiety, integrate balance into their lives so they can make a meaningful change in their lives. He uses a holistic narrative career approach to help people tell their stories and learn from their careers and life.  Mark completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Connecticut in Economics and History and went on to earn his Masters at the University of Connecticut in Counseling Psychology.   Mark was the President of the National Career Development Association in 2014-2015 and continues to volunteer for the organization.   He is certified as a Certified Professional Coach, Certified Career Counselor, Holistic Narrative Career Professional, Retirement Options Coach, 2 Young to Retire Coach, Job, and Career Development Coach, Job and Career Transition Coach, and a Certified Career Service Provider.  Mark is a Master Trainer for the Facilitating Career Development Certificate and School Career Development Advisor certificate is actively coaching training, and teaching throughout the year.  He is now a Master Practioner of the Energy Leadership Index which is a great assessment to understand how you use your energy in your everyday life and under stress.  It gives you a great insight into how you can improve your everyday interactions and connections with colleagues, employees, family, and beyond.