For some of us, the year has begun with a BANG!
We are ready to follow through on our Goals, New Year Resolutions and Breaking Bad Habits.
You may have a vision of what your year will be, that vision is crystal clear.
Sometimes it is so clear that you see no obstacles, no challenges, and no bumps along the way. It is smooth sailing.
For some, the vision is there but with cloudiness.
The obstacles, challenges and the bumps are at the forefront of our vision.
Get Real!
Let’s be realistic, life is life and External Factors or Situational Factors may cause you to go off your path.
Some examples of external factors are:
- a family member-becoming ill
- work environment
- school environment
- people around you.
External factors may affect your ability to achieve your goal or objectives at a timely frame, but it does not mean you cannot achieve it.

New Year’s Resolutions
“A firm decision or promise you make on New Year’s Eve or New Years Day to do or refrain from doing something over the course of the Year.”
A survey conducted by Finder revealed the Top Resolutions for 2020 for Australians.
- Improve fitness/lose weight 53%
- Eat Better 46%
- Travel/travel more 35%
- Get out of debt 22%
- Sleep more 19%
- Have a better work-life balance 17%
- Find love 10%
- Take more risks 9%
- Quit/reduce smoking 9%
- Volunteer 1%
- Quit/reduce drinking 4%
Resolutions can be made without much thought as to how they will follow through.
- Sometimes an emotional trigger will make a person make a promise to themselves unsure How, When and What they need to do.
- The “Why” may be clear because the emotional trigger has prompted them to do something.
“Something you want to achieve or do and you establish steps to achieve it.”
Setting goals for the New Year can be achievable if they are realistic and achievable.
A goal is more than a thought or wishful thinking.
It requires:
- The Right Mindset
- Planning
- Commitment
- Consistency
- and Action
- If you are serious about achieving your goal but don’t know where to begin, reach the services of someone that can assist you.
Breaking Bad Habits
“A bad habit is a negative behaviour pattern.”
It’s completely normal to have some bad habits.
There are some habits that raise a red flag.
These habits may be affecting your wellbeing and others around you, your relationships, and work or school performance.
Wanting To Break Your Bad Habits?
It is important to get real with yourself and be honest.
- Identify and analyze the habit/s and be aware of the effect it has on yourself and others around you.
- How the behaviour may hinder the progress of your achievements.
- May keep you from advancing, restraining you.
Replace the Habit/Behaviour
- Replace the unwanted behaviour with an activity you enjoy
- Understand the needs of your unwanted behaviour and meet the needs with a healthy activity.
- Create a plan you can commit to.
- Have an accountability buddy to help you
No matter how the year has begun
for you, it is never too late to make a fresh start!
Some tips to get you started
- Take time to reflect on last year.
- What needs to change?
- What do you want to achieve?
- What is something you have been resisting?
- Brainstorm
- Plan and Execute
- Why do you want to achieve it?
- How you will achieve it?
- What do you need to do?
- When will begin and when will you have achieved it? A start and end date.
Wishing you every success to make this year a year of fulfilment.
Please feel free to reach out.
Kind Regards,

Christine Lee
Email: [email protected]
Mb: 0421 944 962